全球網友也回應譚德塞 我也被台灣攻擊了

<p>Netizen, Bigi Yang, made his feelings towards WHO head apparent in his Twitter post (Twitter/Bigi Yang)</p>

Netizen, Bigi Yang, made his feelings towards WHO head apparent in his Twitter post (Twitter/Bigi Yang)


The World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus alleged earlier this week that the racist comments and death threats he had received over the past three months had originated from Taiwan, leaving many furious around Taiwan.

社群軟體推特上發起「來自台灣的攻擊」(#This attack come from Taiwan) 主題標籤,回擊這項空穴來風的指控。許多支持台灣的外國人、本國人PO出台灣驚艷美景、食物、大型活動照片,加上主題標籤在推特、IG瘋傳。

In response to the groundless accusation, a new hashtag, “This attack comes from Taiwan,” began trending on Twitter and Instagram with supporters of Taiwan and Taiwanese citizens posting beautiful pictures of food and events that are made in or took place in the country.


Netizens showcased Taiwan’s various achievements, including being the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage and providing face masks and assistance to other countries during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


As of Friday morning, there were more than 4,000 tweets with the hashtag #ThisAttackComesFromTaiwan circulating online and more than 3,000 posts on Instagram.

※【NOWnews 今日新聞】提醒您:


※ 【The China Post 英文中國郵報】reminds you:

Taiwan CDC asks that travelers who show symptoms such as fevers or coughs upon arriving in Taiwan need to put on a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, please inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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