
<p>Taiwan ranked fifth in the 2021 Freedom of the Net report. (Illustrative photo courtesy of Pexels via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)</p>

Taiwan ranked fifth in the 2021 Freedom of the Net report. (Illustrative photo courtesy of Pexels via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)

新住民全球新聞網】美國人權活動組織自由之家(Freedom House)日前公佈年度全球網路自由(Freedom on the Net)排名報告,台灣首次參與評比,在全球排名第五,在亞太地區更是最佳,排名第一。

Taiwan has ranked 5th worldwide in the 2021 Freedom on the Net report published by Freedom House, securing the best ranking among Asia-Pacific countries.

延伸閱讀:第15屆「溫哥華台灣電影節」 即日起至9月19日線上登場

Freedom House ranked countries based on the freedom of Internet use among its citizens. (Photo courtesy of Freedom House/Facebook via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)
Freedom House ranked countries based on the freedom of Internet use among its citizens. (Photo courtesy of Freedom House/Facebook via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)

2021年有70個國家參與評比,評比標準分為上網阻礙(obstacles to access)、內容限制(limits on content)、侵犯用戶權利(violations of user rights)三個指標,評估各國家的網路使用狀況,2021年網路自由評比排名第一的是冰島,愛沙尼亞、加拿大和哥斯大黎加並列第三,台灣排第五。

In 2021, a total of 70 countries were included and the organization assessed the freedom of Internet use by citizens in each country. Rankings were based on three major indicators: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights.

The 2021 report saw Iceland ranking first, Estonia, Canada, and Costa Rica tieing for third, and Taiwan ranking fifth.

延伸閱讀:臺灣博物館推「2021節慶飲食展」 新住民美食展現多元族群


According to the report, Internet freedom around the world has declined for 11 consecutive years, indicating that countries are increasingly controlling Internet freedom, with Myanmar being one of the low points following the political coup earlier this year.

The report also pointed out that the Taiwanese government does not censor content on the Internet, does not restrict the use of the Internet, does not block websites, and the content on the Internet is very diverse, resulting in its high ranking.

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