冰島火山裂縫再噴熔岩 橘光照亮漆黑夜空

冰島當局表示,熔岩16日從雷克雅內斯半島(Reykjanes Peninsula)一個新的火山裂縫噴發而出,為去年12月以來第四起噴發。

The skyline of Reykjavik is against the backdrop of orange coloured sky due to molten lava flowing out from a fissure on the Reykjanes peninsula north of the evacuated town of Grindavik, western Iceland on March 16, 2024. Lava spewed Saturday from a new volcanic fissure on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula, the fourth eruption to hit the area since December, authorities said. (Photo by Halldor KOLBEINS / AFP) (Photo by HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP via Getty Images)
冰島西南端雷克雅內斯半島火山16日晚間噴發,橘色熔岩源源不絕從裂縫噴出,濃煙直竄天際。 (Photo by Halldor KOLBEINS / AFP) (圖/HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP via Getty Images)

法新社報導,冰島氣象局(IMO)發布聲明說, 「雷克雅內斯半島的斯托斯戈費爾(stora Skogfell)和哈加費爾(Hagafell)之間已經開始火山噴發」。



雷克雅維克的基夫拉維克機場(Keflavik Airport)官網顯示,機場仍開放航班起降。

雷克雅內斯半島的火山噴發是所謂的裂縫噴發(fissure eruption),這類噴發通常不會導致大爆炸,也不會有大規模的火山灰散布到平流層。
