
<p>近日,一名加拿大網友週日在社群論壇Reddit分享自己懷念台灣的方式 — 品嘗來自寶島的零食。| Recently, a Canadian social media user shared on Sunday about how he misses Taiwan – tasting Taiwanese snacks. (Courtesy of u/brandonWRX/Reddit)</p>

近日,一名加拿大網友週日在社群論壇Reddit分享自己懷念台灣的方式 — 品嘗來自寶島的零食。| Recently, a Canadian social media user shared on Sunday about how he misses Taiwan – tasting Taiwanese snacks. (Courtesy of u/brandonWRX/Reddit)

【看CP學英文】防疫期間,人們用各種方式來懷念過去旅行的美好日子。近日,一名加拿大網友週日社群論壇Reddit分享自己懷念台灣的方式 — 品嘗來自寶島的零食。

During the pandemic, people are reminiscing in various ways about the earlier travel days. With this observation in mind, a Canadian social media user shared on Sunday about how he misses Taiwan, especially Taiwanese snacks.


The social media user (@u/brandonWRX) wrote in a Reddit post, “I spent two summers teaching in Taiwan and miss the awesome people, amazing food and great sights.”

貼文附上一張照片,只見台灣各種零食、沖泡飲品填滿整個畫面,原PO表示,他太想念台灣,於是前去位在多倫多的一家台灣超市 Maeli Market 採購。

Alongside the post, he shared a photo of various snacks and instant beverages from Taiwan.

The teacher said he missed Taiwan so much that he went to Maeli Market, a Taiwanese supermarket in Toronto, to make purchases.


“Here’s hoping the vaccine will get us traveling again soon!” The social media user wrote.

The post has drawn many responses from other social media users with one approving his choice of milk tea.


Responding to the comment, the Canadian teacher said that it was difficult to buy Sun Moon Lake black tea. Although he had tried several types of milk tea, it was this instant milk tea that brings back the exact flavor to when he was in Taiwan.


“In Taiwan, you can do the city, you can do nature, amazing food, awesome places to take photos and great people,” the teacher said, adding that it was nice to teach in Taiwan because “I felt like I was living there as opposed to just tourism.”

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