北市動物園超萌園長政見發表 教大家如何預防新冠肺炎

<p>No. 1 candidate is a cute and cuddly koala  (FB/Taipei Zoo)</p>

No. 1 candidate is a cute and cuddly koala (FB/Taipei Zoo)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】台北市立動物園園長金仕謙於上週一卸職退休,動物園正尋下一位接班人,為了讓民眾得知徵才消息,於4日在臉書上貼出8 位園長候選政見發表,供民眾投票,短短時間內獲得2.7萬讚,和6000多的留言和分享。

Following the retirement of the current director, Chin Shih-chien, last Monday, Taipei Zoo has launched a creative campaign to find the most suitable candidate to fill the position.

To notify potential parties of the vacancy, zoo officials posted pictures and campaign information of 8 candidates from within the zoo — all of which are animals.

In a short amount of time, the post garnered 27,000 likes and more than 6,000 shares and comments.

台北市立動物園於4日在臉書上貼出8 位園長候選政見發表 | The Taipei Zoo posted pictures and campaign information of 8 candidates within the zoo—all of which are animals. (FB/Taipei Zoo)
台北市立動物園於4日在臉書上貼出8 位園長候選政見發表 | The Taipei Zoo posted pictures and campaign information of 8 candidates within the zoo—all of which are animals. (FB/Taipei Zoo)


To raise awareness of the coronavirus epidemic, the four-legged candidates’ campaign all have something to do with the virus, successfully highlighting the importance of self-quarantine and hand-washing.


For instance, the no. 1 candidate, a cute and cuddly koala, promises let all zoo animals sleep up to 18 hours a day, before admitting that it may take self-quarantine to a new level.

熱門候選人包括一號的可愛無尾熊 | No. 1 candidate is a cute and cuddly koala (FB/Taipei Zoo)
熱門候選人包括一號的可愛無尾熊 | No. 1 candidate is a cute and cuddly koala (FB/Taipei Zoo)


The No. 4 candidate, a clouded leopard, and the No. 7 candidate, a meerkat, are both crowd favorites. Their campaigns not only include promotions for “leopard-print” face masks, but also a ban of large gatherings which came from the meerkat, known for their love of hugging family members.

4號候選人雲豹 | The No. 4 candidate-cloud leopard (FB/Taipei Zoo)
4號候選人雲豹 | The No. 4 candidate-cloud leopard (FB/Taipei Zoo)
7號候選人狐獴 | Candidate No. 7-meerkat (FB/Taipei Zoo)
7號候選人狐獴 | Candidate No. 7-meerkat (FB/Taipei Zoo)


The adorable pictures have not only attracted many comments online but also encouraged many people from various administrations to recommend their own candidates, including the Coast Guard Administration which recommended their guard dogs.

However, zoo officials denied the request on grounds that “animals from other areas need to be quarantined for a month”.

海巡署官方帳號推薦了偵搜犬表示唯一支持 | The Coast Guard Administration recommended their dogs (FB/Taipei Zoo)
海巡署官方帳號推薦了偵搜犬表示唯一支持 | The Coast Guard Administration recommended their dogs (FB/Taipei Zoo)


Lion Travel Agency, even made their own poster, promoting their No. 10 candidate, which was a befitting lion. Zoo officials jokingly responded with the lyrics of the “Lion King” under the comment.

雄獅旅遊集團甚至客製了自己的海報,推出10號候選人獅子 | Lion Travel Agency made their own poster, promoting their No. 10 candidate, which was a befitting lion. (FB/Taipei Zoo)
雄獅旅遊集團甚至客製了自己的海報,推出10號候選人獅子 | Lion Travel Agency made their own poster, promoting their No. 10 candidate, which was a befitting lion. (FB/Taipei Zoo)


The Ministry of Health and Welfare also made time out of their busy schedules to promote their spokesdog, Zongchai, and half-heartedly joked that even with such a high status, the dog still needed to personally urge the public to wash their hands.

衛福部也抽空推薦代表「總柴」| The Ministry of Health and Welfare promote their spokesdog, Zongchai (FB/ Taipei Zoo)
衛福部也抽空推薦代表「總柴」| The Ministry of Health and Welfare promote their spokesdog, Zongchai (FB/ Taipei Zoo)


As the votes swarmed in the comments section, zoo officials announced that they are currently counting up the numbers, and will reveal the candidates who qualify for the next round very soon.

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