印度3火車連環撞釀近300死 20多年來最慘重鐵路事故


Rescuers work at the site of passenger trains accident, in Balasore district, in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, Saturday, June 3, 2023. Rescuers are wading through piles of debris and wreckage to pull out bodies and free people after two passenger trains derailed in India, killing more than 280 people. Hundreds of others were trapped inside more than a dozen mangled rail cars, in one of the country's deadliest train crashes in decades. (AP Photo)

綜合《印度斯坦時報》(Hindustan Times)、新德里電視台(NDTV)、《印度時報》(TOI)及《印度快報》(Indian Express)報導。

當時一列開往清奈(Chennai)的「科羅曼德快線」客車(Coromandel Express)10到12節車廂出軌跑入對向軌道,遭一列開往豪拉(Howrah)的「豪拉特快線」(Howrah Superfast Express)客車撞上,豪拉特快線自身3到4節車廂出軌,後殃及旁邊另一貨運列車。


Bodies recovered from passenger trains lay on the track at the site of an accident, in Balasore district, in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, Saturday, June 3, 2023. Two passenger trains derailed in India, killing more than 200 people and trapping hundreds of others inside more than a dozen damaged rail cars, officials said. (AP Photo)

隨3日破曉,救援人員終於看清令人怵目驚心的事發現場全貌。目前死傷數字眾說紛紜,截至3日上午印度媒體報導的罹難人數從233人到238人不等,傷者約900人;法新社引述奧里薩省消防局局長薩蘭基(Sudhanshu Sarangi)稱罹難人數已增至288人、850多傷。


奧里薩省府首席祕書耶拿(Pradeep Jena)證實事發後已有約850名傷者送醫;事故現場距省會布班尼斯瓦(Bhubaneswar)約200公里。

法新社指出,鐵路事故在印度時有所聞,好幾起甚至屬重大災難,最嚴重者是1981年一列火車行經比哈(Bihar)的鐵橋時出軌墜河,導致800到1000人罹難。據信這次是1999年西孟加拉省(West Bengal)285死火車相撞以來最嚴重鐵路事故。

印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)在推特上寫道,「這起列車意外令人感到相當沉重。此刻的我與罹難者家屬同在,願傷者盡快康復。救援行動已經展開,會提供受害者們一切可能的協助。」

Rescuers work at the site of passenger trains accident, in Balasore district, in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, Saturday, June 3, 2023. Two passenger trains derailed in India, killing more than 200 people and trapping hundreds of others inside more than a dozen damaged rail cars, officials said. (AP Photo)
目前死傷數字眾說紛紜,法新社引述奧里薩省消防局局長薩蘭基(Sudhanshu Sarangi)稱罹難人數已增至288人、850多傷。(美聯社)

3火車相撞釀288死 疑人為失誤走錯軌道
印度火車連環撞 倖存者驚恐曝「許多人失去手腳」
印度列車相撞 「地獄現場片曝光」
3列車相撞 印度政府宣布全國哀悼
印度火車重大事故 蔡英文:為受事故者祈禱
[特企] 需求復甦與美國升息拉扯 大宗商品趨勢解析
