
<p>YouTuber Ray Du (Courtesy of Instagram/Ray Du)</p>

YouTuber Ray Du (Courtesy of Instagram/Ray Du)

【看CP學英文】知名YouTuber 阿滴先前與多人聯合於募資平台募款,希望能透過募得的資金買下紐時時報全版廣告,來反擊世界衛生組織(WHO )秘書長譚德塞對台灣的指控。廣告於4月14日刊登後,該團隊也轉往透過數位媒體宣傳台灣,更曾邀約國際千萬網紅雅新(Nuseir Yassin )一同拍攝影片。阿滴昨(17 )日就於臉書上發文,再曝光宣傳台灣的下一步!

Taiwanese YouTuber Ray Du has reportedly led a team of digital media creatives to promote Taiwan globally, including Nuseir Yassin, an Israeli blogger with millions of followers worldwide, to co-produce a video.

Du initiated an online fundraising campaign last month through which he bought a full-page ad in the New York Times on April 14 to counter the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros’ allegations against Taiwan.

Du posted a message to Facebook on Sunday announcing the next step in promoting Taiwan!


Following the release of the video collaboration with Yashin, the team has continued to reach to creators from all over the world and invited them to produce videos about Taiwan amid the coronavirus pandemic.

阿滴透露,第二波的宣傳中,一共有6 位來自美國、新加坡、菲律賓、印度、泰國、中東等創作者發佈了多國語言的影片,創作者的影片除了介紹防疫成果外,也從領導者風格、防疫措施等不同的角度切入,用不同的觀點和風格介紹台灣。

In the second wave of the campaign, a total of six creators from the United States, Singapore, the Philippines, India, Thailand and the Middle East released videos in multiple languages, Du said.

The videos not only detail the epidemic prevention measures but also introduce Taiwan from different perspectives, such as the leadership style.

▲阿滴先前與多人聯合發布募資活動,希望能在紐約時報廣告上宣傳台灣。|Taiwanese YouTuber Ray Du initiated an online fundraising campaign last month through which he bought a full-page ad in the New York Times April 14 to counter the World Health WHO Director-General Tedros’ allegations against Taiwan.(圖/翻攝集資平台、聶永真臉書 | Courtesy of Crowdfunding platform)
▲阿滴先前與多人聯合發布募資活動,希望能在紐約時報廣告上宣傳台灣。|Taiwanese YouTuber Ray Du initiated an online fundraising campaign last month through which he bought a full-page ad in the New York Times April 14 to counter the World Health WHO Director-General Tedros’ allegations against Taiwan.(圖/翻攝集資平台、聶永真臉書 | Courtesy of Crowdfunding platform)

阿滴指出,截至目前為止,所有影片的累計觀看次數已經「突破3000 萬」次,還有創作者創了開台以來最高瀏覽量的紀錄!他透露,在每個創作者的影片留言區中,都能看見許多暖心、支持台灣的言論,「各位夥伴也可以到這些影片和來自海外的朋友們多多交流,介紹更多台灣的好和人情味給世界知道。」

Du said that the cumulative number of views of all videos has surpassed 30 million so far, and some of the creators have set a record for the highest number of views.

He added that many videos received warm and supportive comments about Taiwan. “You can also watch the videos, share with people from overseas, and introduce more of Taiwan’s great things and friendliness to the world,” Du added.

接下來,阿滴坦言預計會有第三波的數位宣傳,「我們會繼續努力的,感謝26,980 位贊助者以及每一位關注紐時集資案的網友」。

Du further announced a third wave of digital promotions and thanked the 26,980 sponsors who have helped in making the New York Times crowdfunding project successful.

▲阿滴曝光紐時廣告案的第三步。| Du announced that there will be the third wave of digital promotion project(圖/翻攝阿滴臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Ray Du)
▲阿滴曝光紐時廣告案的第三步。| Du announced that there will be the third wave of digital promotion project(圖/翻攝阿滴臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Ray Du)

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