
台灣之光再添一樁!由好心肝基金會、臺大醫院、聰泰科技開發公司三方所共同研發「深度學習在超音波檢查肝腫瘤自動偵測與辨識之應用」軟體,昨(30日)在日本京都舉辦的第33屆亞太肝臟研究醫學會(the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, APASL)」中榮獲「研究者獎(Investigator Award)」大獎,這是國內第一個完全由社會愛心挹注所完成的即時超音波檢查影像AI裝置,聰泰科技公司大力支持公益協助開發AI軟體,由臺大醫院影像醫學部主治醫師吳志宏醫學博士代表報告與受獎,吸引全球數千位肝臟醫師專家學者與會見證。








The Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) 2024 Announces the Winner of the “Investigator Award”

Taiwan’s invention of an AI real-time detection and diagnosis of liver tumor with ultrasound won the award

Taiwan has made another world-wide medical advancement: the “deep learning device that automatically diagnoses and detects hepatic tumors,” developed by the Good Liver Foundation, the National Taiwan University Hospital, and Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd., won the “Investigator Award” of the 33rd Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) held in Kyoto, Japan on March 30, 2024.

The device is the first entirely philanthropic real-time ultrasound AI in Taiwan. Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd. supported the project monetarily and helped develop the device. Dr. Chih-Horng Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Attending of Department of Medical Imaging of the National Taiwan University Hospital, represented all involved parties to present the device and received the award at APASL, catching the attention of thousands of global liver medical experts.

The development of the device was headed by Dr. Hsiao-Ching Nien, M.D., Ph.D., the CEO of the Good Liver Foundation and the Attending of the Department of Family Medicine at the National Taiwan University Hospital. Dr. Nien hoped to replicate through AI the expertise and decades of experience of Professor Jin-Chuan Sheu, M.D., Ph.D. Pro. Sheu was the first expert to diagnose liver tumor with ultrasound in Taiwan. Therefore, when medical personnel use the device on patients for abdominal ultrasound, it utilizes Pro. Sheu’s expertise and longtime experience to differentiate whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Pro. Sheu is currently the Chairman of the Good Liver Foundation and the Honorary Professor of the National Taiwan University Hospital.

The invention collected data of 1,576 patients and 6,001 liver tumor images, and retrospectively confirmed diagnoses of liver tumors through computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or pathology. The images of tumors were marked by certified ultrasound imaging medical doctors, further training the AI device to automatically detect and diagnose liver tumors. Through these methods, the device can differentiate between benign and malignant tumor with 90% AUC(Area Under Curve), almost matching the diagnoses rates through CT or MRI.

Accordingly, the AI device could assist medical personnel to diagnose liver tumors using ultrasound in a timely manner and without radiation. It also relieves the anxiety of patients with liver tumors. Additionally, it reduces machine imaging (CT or MRI) waiting time and the Taiwan government’s medical expenses.

The device currently has received patents from many countries, with hopes that the device can soon be used clinically, benefiting patients, medial personnel, and countries with machine imaging inconvenience and expenditure difficulties.