
<p>(Facebook/Bill Gates)</p>

(Facebook/Bill Gates)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】2019 新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19 )爆發,由於疫情快速擴散,全球各地也都陸續傳出確診案例。而台灣由於快速的防疫對策,於近期受到不少外媒關注。對此,微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)於 5 日接受美國《福斯新聞(Fox News)》專訪時,就公開大讚台灣的防疫作為,更直呼「台灣是防疫榜樣」。

As the Coronavirus continues to spread, many countries have reported soaring numbers of confirmed cases. With only a few hundred kilometers separating Taiwan from China, Taiwan has begun receiving attention for its relatively successful virus-prevention measures. Among other higlhights, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates said during an interview with Fox News that Taiwan was “exemplary”.

微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲於 5 日接受《福斯週日新聞》主播華勒斯( Chris Wallace )專訪。主持人向比爾蓋茲詢問對於新冠肺炎的看法。對此,他也回應由於現今還不知新型冠狀病毒是否具有季節性,若能在春、夏讓傳染力下降,這對北半球可能是好消息,也能給大家一些時間取得藥物和疫苗,恐怕要有能普及全球的疫苗,疫情才能進入恢復期。

In the interview with FOX News Sunday host, Chris Wallace, Gates admitted that though not much is known as to whether or not the virus is seasonal, if its transmissibility can be lowered in warmer weather, this could be good news for the northern hemisphere.

Gates added that this could buy everyone time to procure medicine and vaccines that can hopefully stop the spread of the virus.

(Photo courtesy of Fox News YouTube)
(Photo courtesy of Fox News YouTube)


When questioned about whether or not the U.S. responses were too slow, Gates specifically pointed out Taiwan among other countries as an example in virus-prevention.

Gates said that Taiwan was able to “see the problem” and had the “community-wide testing done very well.” In prioritizing who got tested, Gates claims that Taiwan won’t have the “disease burden or the economic effect” that many countries will undoubtfully have.

(Image taken from Fox News YouTube)
(Image taken from Fox News YouTube)


The billionaire also pointed out that though the U.S. government is understandably shaken from the effects brought on by the deadly virus, the important thing is to understand and overcome it, to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again.

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