台版馬爾地夫就在「澎湖」! 盤點四大拍照秘境景點

<p>九孔瀑布 | Chixi Rock Waterfall (Courtesy of Instagram/@maimai_lin)</p>

九孔瀑布 | Chixi Rock Waterfall (Courtesy of Instagram/@maimai_lin)


As the coronavirus pandemic subsides, the ban on travel has been progressively relaxed. Border control remains in place tough, so domestic travel may be the best choice for you.

Penghu, with its sunshine, beach, blue sea and sky, has become one of the most popular domestic travel destinations in summer. If you are planning to visit the magnificent island, here are the four amazing spots in Penghu for you to explore!

九孔瀑布 | Chixi Rock Waterfall


Chixi Rock Waterfall, located in Penghu’s Xiyu township is one of the most scenic spots.

An abandoned fish pond sitting next to natural basalt sculptures in the shape of six-sided columns is one of the natural perfect photo-op spots on the island.

Well, how to take a perfect photo here? When the tide is low, you can stand in the middle of the fish pond and have someone taking pictures from the outer ring.

地址:澎湖縣西嶼鄉池西村池西岩瀑 | 881, Chixi Vil.Xiyu Township,Penghu County

九孔瀑布 | Chixi Rock Waterfall (Courtesy of Instagram/@maimai_lin)
九孔瀑布 | Chixi Rock Waterfall (Courtesy of Instagram/@maimai_lin)

後寮天堂路 | Penghu Paradise Road


Penghu Paradise Road is located on an old ship port in the Beisha township. The road among the area adopts a snake-like visual entering the blue sea.

As you walk along Paradise Road, you can see the turquoise-blue ocean and take postcard-like pictures from every point along the road.

地址:澎湖縣白沙鄉後寮村(後寮村東港舊碼頭) | Houliao, Baisha Township, Penghu County 884, Taiwan

後寮天堂路 | Penghu Paradise Road (Courtesy of Instagram/@ming155)
後寮天堂路 | Penghu Paradise Road (Courtesy of Instagram/@ming155)
後寮天堂路 | Penghu Paradise Road (Courtesy of Instagram/@jan710__)
後寮天堂路 | Penghu Paradise Road (Courtesy of Instagram/@jan710__)

望安網垵口沙灘 | Wangankou Beach


The Wangankou beach on the Wang-an township is known as Taiwan’s Maldives. The white shells and sandy beach with gradual turquoise sea in the distance are perfect for you to chill for the whole afternoon.

It’s not a problem at all to stay on the beach all day and enjoy the island!

In addition, this area has an arc-shaped bay that stretches for nearly one kilometer making it one of the hottest spots for summer water fun!

地址:882澎湖縣望安鄉網垵口沙灘 | Penghu County, Wang’an Township, 882

望安網垵口沙灘 | Wangankou Beach (Courtesy of Instagram/@ying___0504)
望安網垵口沙灘 | Wangankou Beach (Courtesy of Instagram/@ying___0504)

東石環保公園 | Dongshicunhuanbao Park


There is a maze made of porous coral stones in Dongshicunhuanbao Park near the beach and Penghu Airport. From afar, it looks like the mysterious ruins left by aliens, attracting many tourists to come and take pictures.


If you want to capture the entire maze and the distant sea, be sure to bring along a wide-angle lens and a selfie stick. It’s recommended to wear bright colors for perfect pictures.

地址:澎湖縣湖西鄉東石村 | Dongshi, Huxi Township, Penghu County 885, Taiwan

東石環保公園 | Dongshicunhuanbao Park(Courtesy of Instagram/@babylove184520)
東石環保公園 | Dongshicunhuanbao Park(Courtesy of Instagram/@babylove184520)
東石環保公園 | Dongshicunhuanbao Park(Courtesy of Instagram/@babe_nini)
東石環保公園 | Dongshicunhuanbao Park(Courtesy of Instagram/@babe_nini)

如何前往澎湖?|How to get to Penghu?


Travel to Penghu is easily accessible by plane or ferry.


Domestic flights leave from Taipei, Tainan, Taichong, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung and take 35-50 minutes.


Ferries leave from Chiayi’s Budai Harbor (1.5 hours) and Kaohsiung Harbor (4.5 hours for day boat & 7 hours for overnight boat.)

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