向Facebook、Uber創辦人學習 找出產品的關鍵一句話

工商時報【本報訊】 (上接D10)那麼口碑行銷就不是最適合拓展生意的方式。你來描述都困難,顧客要描述只會更困難。此時,透過銷售人員推廣可能更可靠。 A one-line description is not just another communications tactic, it's one of the most strategic decisions for a founder. "Figuring out this sentence early in the process can focus our product development on the inputs and outputs that really matter and our marketing efforts on helping us enter the right conversations. (2)Seize the opportunity to craft and test single sentences early--before you build something that's too hard to describe." 關鍵一句話的描述並不是傳播手段,而是最需要創辦人策略思維的決定之一。「早期階段想出這句話,產品發展就能聚焦於重要的輸入、輸出,行銷也能幫助我們開啟合適的對話。把握機會,盡早打造、測試關鍵一句話,以免等到做出太難描述的產品就來不及了。」