唐鳳登日版富比士 暢談太陽花學運




Minister Without Portfolio Audrey Tang appeared in the cover story of the latest issue of the Japanese edition of Forbes magazine in which she discussed the Sunflower Student Movement and its impact on the development of the civic tech community in Taiwan.


Tang explained that she was a programmer working remotely with teams and companies in Silicon Valley at that time. As she watched the movement unfold, she realized its importance and gravity and decided to switch career paths and contribute to the movement with her talents.


At the time, Tang and several hundred members of the civic group “g0v Government” helped set up a live broadcast system for the people occupying the Legislative Yuan.

The Sunflower Movement ended after 3 weeks in a relatively peaceful and smooth manner. Tang believes that after the campaign, people’s awareness had also changed.

For young people, it is “cool” to take political action and care about politics after the Sunflower Movement, Tang said.

She also acknowledged that the 500,000 people who took to the streets to protest against the trade pact with China have made a positive contribution to the issue at hand.



Regarding Taiwan’s battle with the COVID-19 pandemic, Audrey Tang recalled a particular incident that left a deep impression on her.

According to the interview, Tang said when the Department of Health and Welfare’s Disease Control Agency’s COVID-19 hotline, 1922, received complaints from people who said their kids were being bullied at school for wearing pink masks, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) team, including Health Minister Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) all showed up at the press conference the next day with pink face masks.

To Tang, the gesture was fun and a great way to resolve the situation, leaving all parties involved happy and content.

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