在台老外霧煞煞? 端午節小知識一次盤點

<p>A boat captain wears a dragon costume during a traditional Chinese Dragon Boat race in Taipei, Taiwan, Saturday, June 20, 2015. Dragon boat races are in remembrance of Chu Yuan, an ancient Chinese scholar-statesman, who drowned in 277 B.C. while denouncing government corruption.  (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)</p>

A boat captain wears a dragon costume during a traditional Chinese Dragon Boat race in Taipei, Taiwan, Saturday, June 20, 2015. Dragon boat races are in remembrance of Chu Yuan, an ancient Chinese scholar-statesman, who drowned in 277 B.C. while denouncing government corruption. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)


If this is your first time celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan, here are just a few things you need to know (and do) to get into the spirit!

端午節濫觴 |The Origin of the Festival

<em>Portrait of <span>Qu Yuan</span> by Chen Hong-shou (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)</em>
Portrait of Qu Yuan by Chen Hong-shou (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)


Celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in Taiwan, the Dragon Boat Festival is held to commemorate Qu Yuan (屈原), a high ranking official as well as a poet that lived during the Warring States period. Qu was exiled by the king and later drowned himself in the Miluo River (汨羅江).


To prevent his body from being eaten by the fish, people rowed boats and threw rice dumplings into the river. This then became the setting stone for the tradition of eating sticky rice dumplings (zongzis, 粽子) and racing dragon boats during this holiday.

掛艾草 | Hanging Wormwood

<em>Hanging wormwood. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)</em>
Hanging wormwood. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

每到端午節,家家戶戶都會在門前掛上艾草。根據傳說,艾草是天中五瑞之首,象徵驅除不祥的寶劍。During the Dragon Boat Festival, it is customary to hang wormwood in front of your house. According to ancient tales, this grass is the sword of the gods.


Because wormwood is believed to be effective in preventing diseases and driving away evil spirits, people would hang these tufts of grass on their walls or door handles to ward off insects and bad luck.

吃粽子 | Eating Zongzi



Zongzi is the traditional dish everyone eats during the Dragon Boat Festival. The tradition of eating zongzis is to pay homage to Qu Yuan and his dedication towards the nation.


Many see the act of eating zongzis as a sign of filial piety, and may also eat it when preparing for tests, as zongzis (粽子)sounds similar to “making the cut” (中) in Chinese.

立蛋 | Egg Balancing

<em>(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)</em>
(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)


It is said that at noon during the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, anyone can balance an egg on its head. The key to egg balancing is patience and internal peace.


If you would like to take part in this activity, many temples or department stores in Taiwan host egg-balancing contests for all to participate.

划龍舟 | Dragon Boat Rowing


Last but not least, a great activity to participate in is the dragon boat rowing competition that takes place in Taipei.


This year, Taipei’s competition will take place on June 25-26 at Dajia Riverside Park. Although the competition signups are closed, you can still attend the festival and watch the competitions from the side.

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