

[NOWnews今日新聞]泰國的觀光業興盛,近幾年有許多創意咖啡廳興起,非常適合全球網美、網帥前往打卡和拍照。位於曼谷近郊的三攀區(Sam Phran District)的After the Rain Coffee & Gallery,是一家結合畫廊和咖啡廳的藝文空間,最有趣的是咖啡廳外有小溪,客人們前來用餐後,還能悠閒地泛舟,享受浪漫的下午時光。

After the Rain Coffee & Gallery設有別緻的河畔雅座,並提供道地又美味的泰式餐點,吃飽喝足後,可以下水泛舟,等到玩累後上岸,還能前往藝廊看展,或是在池畔拍照打卡,完全是一舉數得的網美打卡景點。最棒的是,凡是在咖啡廳消費的客人,借用泛舟設備完全免費。


From Bangkok, it's not far to go to After The Rain Coffee & Gallery. The location in the center of a coconut garden makes this a one-of-a-kind spot, perfect for taking pictures. You can enjoy your meal at this cafe while feeling like you're right in the middle of a forest. The highlight of this cafe is the canal that provides free canoeing. Why not take some Instagram-worthy pictures while you're out exploring the area and admiring Mother Nature, More than only the swing, they have a few more photogenic sites as well. It makes us feel like we're in Bali. Have you decided yet what you'll do this weekend? Put this Thai cafe on your list, and invite your pals to join you there on the weekends! #thai #thailand #cafe #thailand🇹🇭 #tiktok

♬ Aesthetic - Tollan Kim


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