埃及舉辦法老黃金遊行 22具皇家木乃伊遷新址


這場名為「法老黃金遊行」的活動,將18具法老和4具女王的木乃伊自位於開羅市中心解放廣場(Tahrir Square)的埃及博物館(Egyptian Museum),移師到東南方約5公里的弗斯塔德(Fustat)埃及國家文明博物館(National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation)。

A marching band marches at the start of the parade of 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies departing from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo's Tahrir Square on April 3, 2021, on their way to their new resting place at the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC) about seven kilometres south in historic Fustat (Old Cairo). - Dubbed the Pharaohs' Golden Parade, the 18 kings and four queens will travel in order, oldest first, each aboard a separate float decorated in ancient Egyptian style. (Photo by Mahmoud KHALED / AFP) (Photo by MAHMOUD KHALED/AFP via Getty Images)
The carriages carrying 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies depart from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo's Tahrir Square on April 3, 2021, during a parade on their way to their new resting place at the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC) about seven kilometres south in historic Fustat (Old Cairo). - Dubbed the Pharaohs' Golden Parade, the 18 kings and four queens will travel in order, oldest first, each aboard a separate float decorated in ancient Egyptian style. (Photo by Khaled DESOUKI / AFP) (Photo by KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images)

歐洲新聞台(Euro News)報導,根據文物局資料,這22具木乃伊多來自於西元前1539年至1075年間統治埃及的「新王國」時期。

法新社和路透社報導,22具皇家木乃伊抵達3日甫正式開幕的埃及國家文明博物館時,現場施放21響禮炮,總統塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)也親臨現場,看著載有木乃伊、繪有黃金法老圖案的特製車輛一一經過。

聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)和世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization)負責人也出席這項儀式。


遊行隊伍打頭陣的是西元前1600年左右統治埃及南部,有「勇者」稱號的陶二世(Seqenenre Tao II),最後一輛載的則是西元前12世紀統治埃及的拉美西斯九世(Ramesses IX)。

車隊中的木乃伊還包括統治埃及67年的拉美西斯二世(Pharaoh Ramses II),以及最有權力的女法老哈特謝普蘇特女王(Queen Hatshepsut)。


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