
<p>近日,日本一名網友近日在推特分享「壁虎泡澡照」,只見牠手跨浴缸,露出放鬆舒爽的表情,貼文一出馬上引起網友熱議。 | A Japanese social media user recently shared a series of “gecko bath photos on Twitter,” showing the reptile’s relaxed expression.  (Courtesy of @reptiles_p/Twitter)</p>

近日,日本一名網友近日在推特分享「壁虎泡澡照」,只見牠手跨浴缸,露出放鬆舒爽的表情,貼文一出馬上引起網友熱議。 | A Japanese social media user recently shared a series of “gecko bath photos on Twitter,” showing the reptile’s relaxed expression. (Courtesy of @reptiles_p/Twitter)


When it’s cold, dipping into a hot spring is definitely the happiest moment during winter.

A Japanese social media user recently shared a series of “gecko bath photos on Twitter,” showing the reptile’s relaxed expression.

The tweet has gone viral since it was posted on March 18.

根據日媒「 Jタウンネット」報導,熱愛爬蟲類的網友「reptiles_p」於3月18日分享一隻飼養的豹紋壁虎「泡澡照」。

According to the Japanese media “Jタウンネット” report, avid reptile lover “reptiles_p” recently shared a leopard gecko’s “bathing photos.”


The gecko is seen sitting in a black bowl, face up, with one hand hanging on the edge of the bowl, stretching its entire body as if it is enjoying the hot spring bath.


The gecko’s mouth is wide open and it seems to be quite relaxed, which makes many social media users exclaim: “It’s so cute!”


The Twitter user explained that the gecko was of course, not really soaking in the hot spring.

He explained that the gecko was waiting to receive water from the water dispenser above its head.


The photo has drawn many enthusiastic responses, with one saying it’s like an uncle taking a bath.”

One commented “is it yawning” while another said, you catch that picture-perfect moment.

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