外籍音樂家確診武漢肺炎曾來台 訪問的記者恐中鏢

<p>Minister of Culture,Cheng Li-chun, right, attends an emergency press conference on March 5, 2020.  (CNA)</p>

Minister of Culture,Cheng Li-chun, right, attends an emergency press conference on March 5, 2020. (CNA)


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Thursday confirmed that an Australian musician who recently performed in Taiwan was tested positive today to the coronavirus.

The musician has already left Taipei to Adelaide, Australia, but Authorities are reviewing the 58-year-old man’s travel record and recent contacts.


The Ministry of Culture indicated that the noted musician met with 7 reporters and gave exclusive interviews to three members of the press during his stay. Of the ten reporters, two were foreigners who have already left Taiwan too.

The CECC is still collecting information about the local reporters. They will be quarantined and tested for the coronavirus.


The CECC will also pull up security camera footages to trace the Australian musician’s comings and goings during his 5 days in Taiwan. Other performers are also being contacted. They will be quarantined and tested for the virus too.


In a bid for transparency, the Ministry of Culture revealed that the Australian man performed at the National Concert Hall with the National Symphony Orchestra on the evening of Feb. 28. He also performed in a smaller concert hall on the afternoon of March 1.

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