多國宣布解封開放名單卻「漏台」 陳時中點三大原因

<p>Health minister Chen Shih-chung (Photo courtesy of the CECC)</p>

Health minister Chen Shih-chung (Photo courtesy of the CECC)


As the spread of COVID-19 pandemic continues to slow down in certain parts of the world, many countries are considering relaxing travel restrictions to attract foreign tourists. Contrary to all expectations, Taiwan residents, however, didn’t make the cut despite the government’s stellar virus-prevention success, .


Asked by the press during a routine conference, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) responded that no country would intentionally dismiss Taiwan’s success unless they haven’t seen the statistics.


As the pandemic continues to tear through communities, Chen remarked that many countries are still wary of opening borders. More importantly, some countries might be hesitant in opening borders before Taiwan has yet to open borders, he added. In addition, Chen emphasized that politics may also be a deciding factor.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) added that whether or not other foreign countries decide to include Taiwan when opening their borders doesn’t affect Taiwan’s decision-making process regarding the same issues. MOFA pointed out that Taiwan will wait for further instructions from the CECC before opening up borders to the international community.

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