多圖/艾莎製造?極低溫加大浪 日本出口俄羅斯二手車變「冷凍汽車」整組壞了了

A woman takes a picture of ice-covered vehicles unloaded from the cargo ship Sun Rio, which was caught in severe weather conditions in the Sea of Japan, in the port of Vladivostok, Russia December 29, 2021. REUTERS/Tatiana Meel     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA  DECEMBER 28, 2021: An aerial view of an ice-covered Sun Rio cargo ship carrying second hand cars from Japan in the port of Vladivostok. Ship icing occurs due to a humid sea wind, waves and sub-zero air temperatures which leads to an increase in draft, heeling and can increase the risk of a ship's overturn. Yuri Smityuk/TASS (Photo by Yuri Smityuk\TASS via Getty Images)
貨輪猶如大型冷凍櫃,一台台「冷凍汽車」畫面驚人。圖片來源:Getty Images
VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA  DECEMBER 28, 2021: A view of an ice-covered Sun Rio cargo ship carrying second hand cars from Japan in the port of Vladivostok. Ship icing occurs due to a humid sea wind, waves and sub-zero air temperatures which leads to an increase in draft, heeling and can increase the risk of a ship's overturn. Yuri Smityuk/TASS (Photo by Yuri Smityuk\TASS via Getty Images)
載運日本二手車的貨輪28日停泊在海參威港,車子被厚厚的冰霜覆蓋。圖片來源:Getty Images

貨輪抵達海參威(Vladivostok)後,只能靠起重機把一台台冰凍的車輛吊離,有目擊者說,「真是一場徹底的惡夢,太可怕了...現在這些已經不是車子了,而是一堆垃圾。」氣象專家季什科韋茨(Evgney Tishkovets)表示,凍結的汽車已經被冰擠壓,窗戶有裂痕、雨刷和把手肯定被海水破壞;而跑進車身的海水保證「車子會更快生鏽」,「最糟糕的是,電氣設備一定都壞光光...真是對汽車的死刑。」

An ice-covered vehicle is unloaded from the cargo ship Sun Rio, which was caught in severe weather conditions in the Sea of Japan, in the port of Vladivostok, Russia December 29, 2021. REUTERS/Tatiana Meel

日本二手車在俄羅斯十分受到歡迎,汽車銷售員巴戈拉(Alexander Bagola)表示,「船上有許多日產(Nissan)Leaf電動車...這些車輛應該是趕在2022年新的電動車進口關稅規定生效前抵達。」另外也有豐田(Toyota)以及本田(Honda)的車輛。有民眾指出今年的風比往年的要強,船長奧西錢司基(Pyotr Osichansky)說,「現在是12月,海面波濤洶湧,風又很大,海水濺到船上就變成厚厚的冰殼了。」

VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA  DECEMBER 28, 2021: Unloading an ice-covered Sun Rio cargo ship carrying second hand cars from Japan in the port of Vladivostok. Ship icing occurs due to a humid sea wind, waves and sub-zero air temperatures which leads to an increase in draft, heeling and can increase the risk of a ship's overturn. Yuri Smityuk/TASS (Photo by Yuri Smityuk\TASS via Getty Images)
工作人員協助卸下被冷凍的汽車。圖片來源:Getty Images
VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA  DECEMBER 28, 2021: An aerial view of an ice-covered Sun Rio cargo ship carrying second hand cars from Japan in the port of Vladivostok. Ship icing occurs due to a humid sea wind, waves and sub-zero air temperatures which leads to an increase in draft, heeling and can increase the risk of a ship's overturn. Yuri Smityuk/TASS (Photo by Yuri Smityuk\TASS via Getty Images)
貨輪上布滿冰霜,畫面驚人。圖片來源:Getty Images

延伸閱讀》極端寒流虐北半球 美降雪492公分破50年紀錄 日本跨年防致災大雪