
33年前的1983年,來自紐西蘭的秦季靈(音,Geeling Ching)還是個年方23歲的花樣女孩,在澳洲雪梨(Sydney)一家餐廳端盤子。有一天,星運從天而降,她被選中演出一部音樂影片(MV)。

哪一首歌?〈中國女孩〉(China Girl);誰唱的?英國一代搖滾奇才大衛鮑伊(David Bowie)。一首歌之後是一段情,雖然短暫如蒙,但是改變了秦季靈的一生。








這段情並沒有維持多久,秦季靈回到南半球,但是她的一生已然改變。她演了幾部戲,包括《衝鋒飛車隊3》(Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome)中的一個小角色,但後來還是回到家鄉,如今是一位餐廳經理。

2007年11月,她再次遠渡重洋,不過這回是到美國參加紐約市馬拉松(New York City Marathon),抵達終點線時,她的耳機裡傳來的音樂是大衛鮑伊的專輯《英雄》(Heroes)。



David Bowie - China Girl

I could escape this feeling, with my China girl
I feel a wreck without my, little China girl
I hear her heart beating, loud as thunder
Saw they stars crashing
I'm a mess without my, little China girl
Wake up mornings where's my, little China girl
I hear her heart's beating, loud as thunder
Saw they stars crashing down
I feel a-tragic like I'm Marlon Brando
When I look at my China girl
I could pretend that nothing really meant too much
When I look at my China girl
I stumble into town just like a sacred cow
Visions of swastikas in my head
Plans for everyone
It's in the whites of my eyes
My little China girl
You shouldn't mess with me
I'll ruin everything you are
You know, I'll give you television
I'll give you eyes of blue
I'll give you men's who want to rule the world
And when I get excited
My little China girl says
Oh baby, just you shut your mouth
She says, sh-sh-shhh
She says, sh-sh-shhh
She says
She says
And when I get excited
My little China girl says
Oh baby, just you shut your mouth
And when I get excited
My little China girl says
Oh baby, just you shut your mouth
She says, sh-sh-shhh
She says

Oh, oh, oh, little China girl
Oh, oh, oh, little China girl
Oh, oh, oh, little China girl
Oh, oh, oh, little China girl