
<p>攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象(左)、179小王子攝於馬祖莒光|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County.(left) and the light pillars spotted in Matsu. (right) (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo and @weather.taiwan / Facebook)</p>

攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象(左)、179小王子攝於馬祖莒光|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County.(left) and the light pillars spotted in Matsu. (right) (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo and @weather.taiwan / Facebook)


Many people shared photos of strange light pillars taken in Kinmen, Matsu and Fujian province on Sunday. The astonishing photos, which captured an atmospheric optical phenomenon went viral.


A Chinese photographer shared on Weibo the amazing photos of “nature laser show” snapped in southeastern Pingtan County, Fujian province.

“I was going to take a picture of the Milky Way, but it was covered by clouds, so I couldn’t continue,” he wrote. “I waited for the moon to rise and wanted to take a few pictures to call it a day, but unexpectedly I found these unidentified light pillars in the sky.”

攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County. (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo)
攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County. (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo)


Many people in Matsu also observed this amazing phenomenon and captured the rarely seen atmospheric event. But, how does a “nature laser show” work?

臉書「天氣即時預報」於週日PO文解釋,此一現象稱為「光柱現象(light pillars)」,源自於天空中微小的冰晶體的反射光進入人眼所成,通常,是反射太陽西下後低於地平線的光,少數會反射「月光、人造光」,這是很罕見的大氣現象。

A post on Facebook fan page @weather.taiwan explained that the effect, called “light pillars,” comes from the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere or that comprise high-altitude clouds.

Usually, the tiny ice crystals reflect the light that is lower than the horizon after the sun sets, with few of which reflecting “moonlight or human-made light.”

“This is a rarely seen atmospheric phenomenon,” the post read.

攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County. (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo)
攝影師無敵武士兔攝於福建平潭的光柱現象|The “light pillars” were seen in southeastern Pingtan County. (Courtesy of @wudiwushitu/Weibo)


“The fact that there were high clouds over Matsu at that time may have been the cause of this phenomenon.”

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