寫信給拜登為亞裔美國人安全請命 趙少康籲蔡英文表態
















趙少康 敬上 3.30. 2021


President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Secretary Antony Blinken

c/o Director W. Brent Christensen, American Institute in Taiwan

Date: March 30,2021

Re: Please take heed of the recent violence to the Asian American communities in the States and take concrete steps to protect the lives and properties of Asian Americans.

Mr. President,

I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families who recently lost their loved ones in the dreadful racist crime in Atlanta.

I feel strongly empathetic to the unfortunate families, and I also sympathize with the Asian Americans who have suffered bullying and intimidation in public because of their skin color.

I had many college classmates who had gone to the US to study and pursue the American Dream, some even started families and raised their children there. I believe the Asian Americans who died the unfortunate death came to the States for the same reason. They set foot on this land with the hopes to become US citizens, to be welcomed to a diverse culture, give their children promising futures, and make contributions to the society.

I received complaints from my friends in the States whenever incidents such as the tradegy in Atlanta occurred. Lamenting over the deaths of their friends and neighbors, they express their doubts of their decisions to believe in the American Dream when they were young. "Having filed taxes my whole life, now old and retired, why am I the target of unprovoked attacks on the street?", "Was I wrong to come to live in the States?" and "Should I go back to Taiwan?"

While paying attention to human rights issues in other countries, I sincerely hope that your administration can efficiently guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of your ethnic Asian citizens. May I suggest that you speak out to condemn violence, take lead in curbing the hatred and discrimination against the communities of Asian Americans-those who are our friends, relatives, as well as US citizens.

It is my firm belief that we should be free from fear regardless of the color of our skin.

Sincerely yours

S K Chao


Broadcasting Corporation of China,

Taipei, Taiwan