美太平洋艦隊司令:共軍巨浪3潛射導彈已服役 可打擊美國本土

美國太平洋艦隊司令帕帕羅(Sam Paparo)今天表示,中國大陸已列裝射程更遠的新式「巨浪-3」型彈道飛彈於6艘核動力潛艦上,能在更靠自家近岸打擊美國本土。

Russian submarines take part in the 'Vostok-2022' military exercises at the Peter the Great Gulf of the Sea of Japan outside the city of Vladivostok on September 5, 2022. - The Vostok 2022 military exercises, involving several Kremlin-friendly countries including China, takes place from September 1-7 across several training grounds in Russia's Far East and in the waters off it. Over 50,000 soldiers and more than 5,000 units of military equipment, including 140 aircraft and 60 ships, are involved in the drills. (Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP) (Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)
(示意圖/Getty Images)

彭博(Bloomberg News)指出,這是美方首度公開證實巨浪-3(JL-3)已於共軍服役。





按美軍戰略司令部司令李察(Charles Richard)今年3月在聯邦參議院軍事委員會裡的說法,射程更遠的巨浪-3會改變全般態勢,讓中國大陸在安全的南海堡壘,就能打擊美國本土。
