【專欄】「秦失其鹿,天下共逐之」--- 台灣安全在「獵鹿人」手中?

美國國防部副部長希克斯 (左)表示,美國比以往更致力於確保嚇阻力/X畫面
美國國防部副部長希克斯 (左)表示,美國比以往更致力於確保嚇阻力/X畫面

陳禹成 (美國華府)
童騃性的自我陶醉,如果在迪斯奈樂園的舞台劇上演,一定博得滿堂彩。但如果是宣揚中國打敗美國的科技,留陸法學博士稱「勾踐復國」,所代表中國科技能力新頂峰,在上海以華為新的Mate 60 Pro拍照、歡送美國商務部長,(https://youtu.be/2LaqvRTnHsA?si=tlAL1v3_WVNXEEHz),稱「孟晚舟新機 拜登雷蒙多嚇尿了?」(https://youtu.be/uPzoPVGTzhM?si=hvSvRUPOW07j-E6L),那就有點 「太平天國」拳亂、適得其反,逼得中國國安部不得不出來澄清,拜登政府對中戰略明顯的兩面性特徵,過去幾十年,美國對中國戰略的「老兩手」是「接觸+遏制」;而拜登政府的「新兩手」則是「競爭+管控競爭」,但稱其註定失敗(https://money.udn.com/money/story/10511/7415826)。
2021年春 新兩手揭幕
中國國安部對川普政府和拜登政府對中戰略不同的觀察,是台灣疑似「在地協力者」至今尚未覺察的重點。2019年其職權內,美國總統特有的行政命令(Executive Order)下令美國商務部,以行政裁量權制裁華為和Tiktok,甚至透過加拿大政府,逮捕華為公主孟晚舟,準備引渡到美國受審,這整個對中國高科技的轉向而採取的強硬措施,始作俑者其實都是川普,並不是拜登。
當然,習近平也意識到2021年1月美國由拜登總統接掌政府,其外交政策必定有所轉變,於是老驥伏櫪的楊潔箎於3月18 -19日銜習命,飛去阿拉斯加、先下手為強, --- 「中美會談火藥味濃,楊潔篪:「難道我們吃洋人的苦頭還少嗎?」(https://youtu.be/f6viJKkCk_Q?si=TnyruVXCNySQGXwe)。
嚇得英國經濟學人(The Economist)於該年五月稱,台灣為地表最危險的地方(https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5114583)。而台灣的總統候選人更見獵心喜,把這個曾稱台灣總統為Bumbler 的、既狡猾(cunning)又勢利(snobbish)英國雜誌(https://www.economist.com/asia/2012/11/17/ma-the-bumbler)封面故事主題,作為國家領導人選擇的競選主題「戰爭與和平」。這完完全全是一個錯誤類比(Completely Wrong Analogy),提出此種主題的候選人,根本不了解,台灣是國際地緣政治獵場、舞台上的一頭被「追逐/保護」的鹿,本身根本無法獨立對抗,美國、中國矛盾正進行中、兩強的其中任何一方。如果選擇美國保護,那就要充份了解,她為什麼要保護你。這就牽涉外交政策。
拜登對中國的外交政策理念,建立在現任白宫印太沙皇Kurt Campbell 和現任白宫國家安全顧問Jake Sullivan 發表於2019 年 8 月 1日Foreign Affairs雜誌「Competition Without Catastrophe」(沒有災難的競爭)一文。其中,特別關於台灣的部份,有如下的描述:
「冷戰時期的軍事競爭是真正的全球性鬥爭,與此相反,華盛頓和北京面臨的危險可能僅限於印度-太平洋地區。 即便如此,該地區至少存在四個潛在熱點:南海、東海、台灣海峽和朝鮮半島。 雙方都不希望發生衝突,但隨著雙方都投資進攻能力,增強在該地區的軍事存在,並在日益靠近的地區開展行動,緊張局勢正在加劇。 華盛頓擔心中國試圖將美軍趕出西太平洋,而北京則擔心美國試圖圍堵中國。鑑於中國對美國飛機和海軍艦艇的騷擾,小事件有可能升級為重大軍事對抗; 前中國人民解放軍海軍司令吳勝利上將警告說,任何此類事件“都可能引發戰爭”」。

白宫印太沙皇Kurt Campbell
白宫印太沙皇Kurt Campbell

白宫印太沙皇Kurt Campbell

「但兩國軍隊在印度-太平洋地區的共存不應被視為不可能的。 美國必須承認,鑑於中國武器的射程,軍事主導地位將很難恢復,而應集中精力阻止中國干涉其機動自由,並從武力上脅迫美國的盟友和夥伴。」
「台灣和南中國海可能對這一總體方針構成最重大的挑戰。 無論哪種情況,軍事挑釁或誤解都可能輕易引發更大的災害,造成毀滅性後果,而這種風險必須日益激發華盛頓和北京高級領導人的思考。」
「在台灣問題上,考慮到歷史的複雜性,不單方面改變現狀的默許承諾也許是最好的希望。 然而,台灣不僅是一個潛在的爆發點,而且也是美中關係史上最偉大的、無人稱道的成功。 由於雙方普遍採取靈活而細緻的做法,台灣在中美之間的模糊空間中得以發展、繁榮和民主化。 這樣,圍繞台灣的外交可以成為華盛頓和北京之間在其他各種問題上日益具有挑戰性的外交的典範,這些問題同樣可能包括密切接觸、相互警惕和一定程度的不信任,以及持續的耐心和必要的克制。 與此同時,在南海,北京認識到對航行自由的威脅可能對中國自身經濟造成毀滅性後果,與美國的威懾相結合,可能有助於調節其更加民族主義的情緒。」
「為了實現這種共存,華盛頓需要加強美中危機管理和自身威懾能力。 即使作為冷戰對手,美國和蘇聯也共同努力降低意外碰撞升級為核戰爭的風險; 他們設立了軍事熱線,制定了行為準則,並簽署了軍控協議。 在太空和網絡空間等新的潛在衝突領域增加了升級風險之際,美國和中國缺乏類似的危機管理工具。」
「在每一個軍事領域,兩國都需要至少像《美蘇海上事件協議》一樣正式和詳細的協議,該協議於 1972 年簽署,制定了一套旨在避免海上誤解的具體規則。 美國和中國還需要更多的溝通渠道和機制來避免衝突(尤其是在南海),以便雙方在發生事件時能夠迅速澄清對方的意圖。 雙邊軍事關係不應再受制於政治分歧,雙方高級軍事官員應進行更頻繁和實質性的討論,以建立個人聯繫以及對雙方行動的了解。 從歷史上看,其中一些努力,特別是危機溝通,取得進展被證明是困難的:中國領導人擔心危機溝通可能會鼓勵美國肆無忌憚地採取行動,並且需要向該領域的高級軍官下放過多的權力。 但鑑於中國實力的不斷增強和軍事改革,這些擔憂可能正在緩解。」
「美國在這一領域的有效戰略不僅需要減少無意衝突的風險,還需要阻止故意衝突。 不能允許北京使用武力威脅來解決領土爭端的既成事實。 然而,管理這一風險並不需要美國在該地區佔據軍事主導地位。 正如前川普政府國防官員埃爾布里奇·科爾比(Elbridge Colby)所言,“即使是針對一個非常強大和可怕的對手,在不佔優勢的情況下進行威懾也是可能的。”」
台灣這隻鹿是如何丢掉的 --- 對中國歷史負責的政治經濟學分析

前解放軍中校,現旅居加拿大的賴小剛解釋,劉亞洲上將(you tube畫面)並不贊成攻打台灣。
前解放軍中校,現旅居加拿大的賴小剛解釋,劉亞洲上將(you tube畫面)並不贊成攻打台灣。

前解放軍中校,現旅居加拿大的賴小剛解釋,劉亞洲上將(you tube畫面)並不贊成攻打台灣。

2023年8月19日,美國之音中文部(Voice of America Chinese)播出了,前解放軍中校,現旅居加拿大的賴小剛解釋,劉亞洲上將並不贊成攻打台灣,他的理由是,歷史的錯誤不應該由後人來承擔。
2023年秋 鹿死誰手?--- 每天都想打台灣 但沒有任何一天適合
針對台灣疑似「在地協力者」費力吹捧的、孟晚舟衛星通訊手機,美國國防部副部長Kathleen H. Hicks也不示弱,她在9月6日對美國武器製造商聯合會說明,美國最新的戰術 ---「通過 Replicator,我們從全域、可消耗自主主權或 ADA2 開始,幫助我們克服中華人民共和國的質量優勢:更多的艦艇、更多的導彈、更多的部隊」。她表示「ADA2 將致力於應對中國提出的反介入、區域拒止(A2/AD)系統的挑戰,副部長的創新指導小組將為主要利益相關者提供一席之地」。(https://youtu.be/qlw_bLWqD1E?si=Tf3COLENfQLCqwdC)
Kathleen H. Hicks 說「我們通過這一舉措的任務是圍繞DISG 表整合整個部門的領導力,通過提升和加速我們的工作並減少繁文縟節,幫助確保那些成熟到足以規模化的項目確實得到規模化,以便它們在18 - 24個月年內交付給作戰人員」。(https://executivegov.com/2023/09/kathleen-hicks-dod-aiming-to-overcome-production-valley-of-death/)
【附錄: 「Competition Without Catastrophe」(沒有災難的競爭)關於台灣的原文】
In contrast to the military competition of the Cold War, which was a truly global struggle, the dangers for Washington and Beijing are likely to be confined to the Indo-Pacific. Even so, the region features at least four potential hot spots: the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the Korean Peninsula. Neither side wishes for conflict, but tensions are rising as both invest in offensive capabilities, boost their military presence in the region, and operate in ever-closer proximity. Washington fears that China is trying to push U.S. forces out of the western Pacific, and Beijing fears that the United States is trying to hem it in. Given China’s harassment of U.S. aircraft and naval vessels, minor incidents risk escalating into major military confrontations; Admiral Wu Shengli, the former naval commander of the People’s Liberation Army, has warned that any such incident “could spark war.”
But coexistence in the Indo-Pacific by both militaries should not be dismissed as
impossible. The United States must accept that military primacy will be difficult to restore, given the reach of China’s weapons, and instead focus on deterring China from interfering with its freedom of maneuver and from physically coercing U.S. allies and partners.
Beijing will have to accept that the United States will remain a resident power in the
region, with a major military presence, naval operations in its major waterways, and a network of alliances and partnerships.
Taiwan and the South China Sea are likely to present the most significant challenges to this overall approach. A military provocation or misunderstanding in either case could easily trigger a larger conflagration, with devastating consequences, and this risk must increasingly animate the thinking of senior leaders in both Washington and Beijing.
On Taiwan, a tacit commitment not to unilaterally alter the status quo is perhaps the best that can be hoped for given the historical complexities involved. Yet Taiwan is not only a potential flash point; it is also the greatest unclaimed success in the history of U.S.-Chinese relations. The island has grown, prospered, and democratized in the ambiguous space between the United States and China as a result of the flexible and nuanced approach generally adopted by both sides. In this way, the diplomacy surrounding Taiwan could serve as a model for the increasingly challenging diplomacy between Washington and Beijing on a variety of other issues, which are similarly likely to include intense engagement, mutual vigilance and a degree of distrust, and a measure of patience and necessary restraint. Meanwhile, in the South China Sea, Beijing’s understanding that threats to freedom of navigation could have devastating consequences for China’s own economy might help—when combined with U.S. deterrence—modulate its more nationalist sentiments.
To achieve such coexistence, Washington will need to enhance both U.S.-Chinese crisis management and its own capacity for deterrence. Even as Cold War adversaries, the United States and the Soviet Union worked concertedly to reduce the risk that an accidental collision would escalate to nuclear war; they set up military hot lines, established codes of conduct, and signed arms control agreements. The United States and China lack similar instruments to manage crises at a time when new domains of potential conflict, such as space and cyberspace, have increased the risk of escalation.
In every military domain, the two countries need agreements that are at least as formal and detailed as the U.S.-Soviet Incidents at Sea Agreement, a 1972 deal that established a set of specific rules aimed at avoiding maritime misunderstandings. The United States and China also need more communication channels and mechanisms to avoid conflict— especially in the South China Sea—to allow each side to quickly clarify the other’s intentions during an incident. The bilateral military relationship should no longer be held hostage to political disagreements, and senior military officials on both sides should engage in more frequent and substantive discussions to build personal ties as well as understandings of each side’s operations. Historically, progress on some of these efforts, especially crisis communication, has proved difficult: Chinese leaders fear that crisis communication could embolden the United States to act with impunity and would require devolving too much authority to senior military officers in the field. But these worries may be easing, given China’s growing power and military reforms.
Effective U.S. strategy in this domain requires not just reducing the risk of unintentional conflict but also deterring intentional conflict. Beijing cannot be allowed to use the threat of force to pursue a fait accompli in territorial disputes. Yet managing this risk does not require U.S. military primacy within the region. As the former Trump administration defense official Elbridge Colby has argued, “deterrence without dominance—even against a very great and fearsome opponent—is possible.”