【專欄】老驥的迷惘 台大國際政經學院難產的悲哀 --- 白宮國安會「没有災難競争」的把戲
序曲 ---
樂章 ---
刺偏的矛頭 會誤導台灣
《中美脫鉤問題,他並且發現愈來愈多國家人民都在互相抱怨,這情形令人非常擔心。話語中雖未直指近期其他戰事,可以聽得出張忠謀的憂慮所在。》(https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/107208)。美國與中國正在《去風險》,並没有在《脱勾》。張忠謀錯了!Bloomberg 報導,美、中已經開始核武談判(https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-01/us-china-to-begin-nuclear-arms-talks-before-xi-biden-meeting?embedded-checkout=true)。
「没有災難競爭」背後的法律工具 --- 投資銀行 聯邦法院訴訟
台積電創辦人張忠謀,是在10月26日接受亞洲協會(Asia Society)邀請,在紐約與剛接任阿里巴巴董事會主席的台灣人蔡崇信對談,並由花旗私人銀行(Private Banking)全球主管劉宏敏(Ida Liu)主持。這兩位華人企業界關鍵領袖,便針對中美脫鉤問題,帶來深度觀察。(https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/107208?fbclid=IwAR1_eXW_iqlp6mszzJLH03Xt0ByHrf4hIOShed7gqjkbaqbNXzqO8XnQq-I)。
BIS as tool in the Market Economy 商務部工業安全局作為市場經濟的工具
拜登的商務部加強對先進計算半導體的限制,更新並加強最初於 2022 年 10 月 7 日發布的針對受關注國家的半導體製造設備和超級計算項目的限制,以解決中華人民共和國軍事現代化帶來的國家安全擔憂(原文見附錄)。
接著,U.S. tells NVidia to halt shipping some AI chips to China immediately - Nikkei Asia (美國要求英偉達立即停止向中國運送部分人工智慧晶片 - 日經亞洲) (https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/US-China-tensions/U.S.-tells-Nvidia-to-halt-shipping-some-AI-chips-to-China-immediately)
小院高牆 --- 美國國安會針對中國「去風險」的設計
白宮國安會「没有災難競争」的把戲,其實只是用「市場」包裝的國安思路,最後由法律(Common Law Jurisprudence英美法理學)作為工具,在資本市場操控Investment Banking (投資銀行),進行併購或拆解。必要的時候,再透過和Federal Litigation(聯邦法院訴訟)達到目的。台灣經濟學者、商學院、法學院教授需要三位一體(如下圖所示)才可能建構國際政治經濟學。
國安會應呈請張忠謀告知拜登 台灣可幫美國處理中國的網路攻擊功能
「國家角色所佔據的關鍵節點,是如何利用資本、影響技術發展應用,處理國家安全。國家力量如何牽引主導科技? Vannevar Bush 政策說帖「Science The Endless Frontier(https://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/nsf50/vbush1945.htm#ch3)奠定了美國二戰後的科技政策,促成了美國政府對基礎科學研究,更催生美國國家科學基金會(NSF)」【專欄】左岸? 右岸? 2024台灣跨過紅海的道路 --- 科技主權(https://ynews.page.link/9XADP)。
October 17, 2023 Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
https://bis.doc.gov Media Contact: OCPA@bis.doc.gov
Commerce Strengthens Restrictions on Advanced Computing Semiconductors,Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment, and Supercomputing Items to Countries of Concern Updates to Modify and Reinforce Restrictions Initially Released on October 7, 2022, to Address National Security Concerns Posed by PRC Military Modernization
Washington, D.C.--Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) released a package of rules designed to update export controls on advanced computing semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, as well as items that support supercomputing applications and end-uses, to arms embargoed countries, including the PRC, and to place additional related entities in the PRC on the Entity List.
“Today’s updated rules will increase effectiveness of our controls and further shut off pathways to evade our restrictions. These controls maintain our clear focus on military applications and confront the threats to our national security posed by the PRC Government’s military-civil fusion strategy,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo. “As we implement these restrictions, we will keep working to protect our national security by restricting access to critical technologies, vigilantly enforcing our rules, while minimizing any unintended impact on trade flows.”
“Export controls are a powerful national security tool, and the updates released today build on our ongoing assessment of the U.S. national security and foreign policy concerns that the PRC’s military-civil fusion and military modernization present,” said Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Alan F. Estevez. “BIS will continue to assess the security environment and technology landscape and will not hesitate to act as appropriate.”
“The Bureau of Industry and Security will continue to demonstrate global leadership in the regulation of advanced computing and artificial intelligence technologies. These technologies inherently serve as force multipliers for humanitarian good and also for undermining global security and advancing repression,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export
Administration Thea D. Rozman Kendler.
“By imposing stringent license requirements, we ensure that those seeking to obtain powerful advanced chips and chip manufacturing equipment will not use these technologies to undermine U.S. national security. We will continue to hone these controls as technology evolves so that our technology is not used to threaten global peace and security.”