
<p>Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron is set to enroll in the prestigious Oxbridge Academy this fall. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock and Oxbridge Academy website)</p>

Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron is set to enroll in the prestigious Oxbridge Academy this fall. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock and Oxbridge Academy website)

【看CP學英文】隨著2021學年實體課程的恢復,前美國總統川普的小兒子拜倫(Barron Trump)也將在佛羅里達州棕櫚灘的超豪華私校開始迎接新學期。

With in-person lessons coming back for the 2021 school year, Barron Trump, the youngest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, is also starting the new semester at a prestigious school located in Palm Beach, Florida.

今年15歲的拜倫將以新生身分入學Oxbridge Academy (津橋學院),而這所地位顯赫的學校一學年學費竟需要價近3.5萬美元(近新台幣97萬)。

The 15-year-old will be attending Oxbridge Academy as a freshman, and the yearly school fee is priced at a whopping US$35,000 (around NT$970,420).

根據外媒People報導,該校的規畫總監史考特‧塞格佛略德(Scott Siegfried) 表示,「我們非常期待歡迎拜倫加入我們的學校和校園團隊。」

According to People, the school’s Director of Advancement Scott Siegfried said: “We look forward to welcoming him [Barron] into our school and community.”


Parents also received emails from the school notifying them that secret service members would be present on campus following Barron Trump’s enrollment.

The school offers a variety of programs and has an equestrian team. (Photos courtesy of Oxbridge Academy /Instagram)
The school offers a variety of programs and has an equestrian team. (Photos courtesy of Oxbridge Academy /Instagram)


Founded in 2011, the school boasts chef-prepared lunches, a sailing and equestrian team, and artificial intelligence as well as aviation programs.

A flight simulator is included in the school as part of its aviation program. (Photo courtesy of Oxbridge Academy website)
A flight simulator is included in the school as part of its aviation program. (Photo courtesy of Oxbridge Academy website)


A flight simulator is also provided, though all students are required by the school to have an Apple Laptop, The Sun reported.

雖然此校聲望很高,然而《太陽報》也點出該校於2015年起醜聞不斷;首先為校園書店店長Ulle Bohsko控告當時執行長Robert Parsons性騷擾。

Though prestigious, The publication pointed out that the school was previously embroiled in a scandal in August 2015, when a bookstore manager Ulle Boshko filed a sexual harassment claim against then CEO Robert Parsons.


Boshko was later fired and claimed that the termination was due to her accusations.

隨後,《紐約時報》也於2016年報出該校創辦人William Koch在一個採訪中表示學校裡的「權力菁英團隊」掌管著這所「精神病院」。

The New York Times also claimed in 2016 that founder William Koch said in an interview. “power elites group” in the school ran “the asylum.”

Oxbridge Academy founder William Koch (cener). (Photo courtesy of Oxbridge Academy website)
Oxbridge Academy founder William Koch (cener). (Photo courtesy of Oxbridge Academy website)


Following the end of his presidency, former U.S. President Donald Trump relocated to Florida is currently living at Mar-a-Lago, an exclusive members-only club which Trump purchased in 1985.

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