



Oymyakon in Russia’s Sakha Republic of north-eastern Siberia, also called the Pole of Cold, is one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth; and the average nighttime temperature is -58 degrees. Despite the cold weather, local children still have to walk to school.

On Dec. 8 when the temperature was at –51 degrees Celcius, students still had to make the walk to school as it was one degree short of schools closing.


There is only one school in this area so students from other villages need to take a 10-18 minute bus ride to arrive at school.

On the other hand, most of the local children walk with their parents and oftentimes, dogs, to school.


School starts at 9 am every morning and lets out at 5 p.m.; however, because of the high latitude of the area, children often head out when it’s still pitch black outside, and head home 3 hours after sunset.

當地攝影師席夫塞福(Semyon Sivtsev)告訴《西伯利亞時報》 (Siberian Times) ,他早上9點,在零下51度的嚴寒氣候拍攝孩童上學,「感覺有多冷呢?我必須隨時帶著手套,非常不舒服,但若未戴手套我的手指會凍傷,所以能在短時間內盡速拍攝

Local photographer Semyon Sivtsev told the “Siberian Times” that he began filming at 9 a.m. under cover of the bleak weather.

When asked how cold it felt, Sivtsev answered, “I had to keep my gloves on which wasn’t very comfortable, but otherwise my fingers would have been frostbitten, and I could only film in very short bursts.”

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