
<p>The 2020 Tokyo Olympics has seen many new faces and young blood, including a significant number of Gen Z athletes. (Photos courtesy of the Associated Press,  @chia__ling_ / Instagram, @lin__yun_ju_ / Instagram)</p>

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics has seen many new faces and young blood, including a significant number of Gen Z athletes. (Photos courtesy of the Associated Press, @chia__ling_ / Instagram, @lin__yun_ju_ / Instagram)

【看CP學英文】2020 東京奧運會已進入第五天,而來自世界各地的頂級運動選手都在努力奪牌為國爭光。運動老將們宣佈退休後就由新生代運動小將取代這些前輩們的位置,也因此今年奧運迎來了許多新面孔。

Five days into the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the world’s best athletes are still working hard to snag a medal and make their countries proud.

This year’s Olympics has seen many new faces and young blood, including a significant number of Generation Z (Gen Z) athletes taking the spots of their older Olympic predecessors.


However, a particular group stands out among the Gen Zs competing in this year’s Olympics — teen athletes.


Teen athletes are making headlines all around the world for their outstanding performance in the Tokyo Olympics, with some becoming Olympic champions even before they can learn how to drive back to their home countries.

今年女子街頭滑板項目的獎牌得主有13歲的西矢椛(Momiji Nishiya)和拉薏莎.李爾(Rayssa Leal),以及16歲的中山楓奈 (Funa Nakayama)。三位青年於週一分別拿下了該奧運項目的金、銀和銅牌,成為史上年紀最小的奧運獎牌得主之一。

Take, for example, skateboarding champions 13-year-old Momiji Nishiya and Rayssa Leal, as well as 16-year-old Funa Nakayama. The three teens took home the gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively in the women’s street skateboarding event on Monday, making them a few of the youngest Olympic medallists in the history of the event.

From left, silver medalist Rayssa Leal of Brazil, gold medalist Momiji Nishiya of Japan, center, and bronze medalist Funa Nakayama of Japan show their medals won in the women’s street skateboarding finals at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 26, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)
From left, silver medalist Rayssa Leal of Brazil, gold medalist Momiji Nishiya of Japan, center, and bronze medalist Funa Nakayama of Japan show their medals won in the women’s street skateboarding finals at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 26, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

來自美國阿拉斯加州的莉迪亞·雅各比(Lydia Jacoby)年紀比三位滑板女將大幾歲,年僅17歲的她在週二的女子100公尺蛙式游泳項目中拿下了金牌。

Slightly older than the skateboarding trio is 17-year-old Alaskan swimming champion Lydia Jacoby who took home a gold medal in the women’s 100-meter breaststroke event on Tuesday.

Gold medalist Lydia Jacoby of the United States celebrates on the podium after the final of the women’s 100-meter breaststroke at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan.(AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
Gold medalist Lydia Jacoby of the United States celebrates on the podium after the final of the women’s 100-meter breaststroke at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan.(AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)


Back home in Taiwan, we have seen athletes born during the turn of the millennium bringing home medals at the Tokyo Olympics as well.

They include taekwondo bronze medallist Lo Chia-ling (羅嘉翎), table tennis bronze medallist Lin Yun-ju (林昀儒) as well as artistic gymnast Hung Yuan-hsi (洪源禧), who did not win any medals but instead won the hearts of many back home for his youthful looks and uncanny resemblance to Taiwanese entertainer Dee Hsu’s (小S 徐熙娣) daughter.

(Left) Lo Chia-ling posing with her bronze medal and the Chinese Taipei Olympic flag. (Photo courtesy of @chia__ling_ / Instagram) (right) Lin Yun-ju shows off his bronze medal won with teammate Cheng I-Ching on his right (Photo courtesy of @lin__yun_ju_ / Instagram)
(Left) Lo Chia-ling posing with her bronze medal and the Chinese Taipei Olympic flag. (Photo courtesy of @chia__ling_ / Instagram) (right) Lin Yun-ju shows off his bronze medal won with teammate Cheng I-Ching on his right (Photo courtesy of @lin__yun_ju_ / Instagram)
Taiwanese gymnast Hung Yuan-hsi managed to compete in the Olympics a few days before his 20th birthday. (Photo courtesy of the National Sports Training Center via NOWnews)
Taiwanese gymnast Hung Yuan-hsi managed to compete in the Olympics a few days before his 20th birthday. (Photo courtesy of the National Sports Training Center via NOWnews)

今年奧運最年輕的選手是來自敘利亞的桌球小將亨德・扎扎(Hend Zaza),可惜年僅12歲的她無緣向上晉級,在與39歲的奧地利選手劉佳大戰一場後,終究逃不過被淘汰的命運。

The youngest athlete to compete in the Tokyo Olympics this year was 12-year-old Syrian table tennis player Hend Zaza, who was eliminated from the tournament after putting up a great fight against Austrian opponent Liu Jia (劉佳), who at 39 years of age is more than three times as old as Zaza.

Syria’s Hend Zaza competes during women’s table tennis singles preliminary round match against Austria’s Liu Jia at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Saturday, July 24, 2021, in Tokyo. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Syria’s Hend Zaza competes during women’s table tennis singles preliminary round match against Austria’s Liu Jia at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Saturday, July 24, 2021, in Tokyo. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)


The Tokyo Olympics is near its halfway mark and it is extremely heartening to see so many young athletes shining brightly in their events just five days into the Olympics.


The rise in the number of teen athletes in international sporting events will surely inspire our little ones to reach new heights in their sporting careers, and we can definitely look forward to more spectacular performances from these up and rising stars.

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