弔唁台灣文學之母 蔡英文:台灣失去文化國寶

<p>▲蔡英文在鄭文燦的陪同下,在武德殿追思會現場駐足追憶鍾老的生前著作。|President Tsai Ing-wen, accompanied by Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan stopped at the memorial service at the Wu-Teung Hall to recollect the writings of Chung’s life.  (Courtesy of Taiyuan city government)</p>

▲蔡英文在鄭文燦的陪同下,在武德殿追思會現場駐足追憶鍾老的生前著作。|President Tsai Ing-wen, accompanied by Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan stopped at the memorial service at the Wu-Teung Hall to recollect the writings of Chung’s life. (Courtesy of Taiyuan city government)


President Tsai Ing-wen on Monday attended the memorial ceremony held in Longtan to pay tribute to Taiwan’s novelist Chung Chao-cheng (鍾肇政),96, who passed away at his home in Taoyuan on Saturday.

Tsai, who was accompanied by Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦), expressed her sadness and grief over Chung’s passing, saying that he initiated a literature movement. “He is not only a literary figure, but also one of the nation’s treasure,” she added.


Tsai came to pay her respects to Chung and his family in the pouring rain, saying that she had come on behalf of the nation to pay the highest tribute to Chung, a giant of Taiwanese culture.

▲上午在滂陀大雨中,蔡英文來到龍潭武德殿鍾肇政追思會場向鍾老及其家屬致意。| Tsai came to pay her respects to Chung and his family in the pouring rain.(NOWnews)
▲上午在滂陀大雨中,蔡英文來到龍潭武德殿鍾肇政追思會場向鍾老及其家屬致意。| Tsai came to pay her respects to Chung and his family in the pouring rain.(NOWnews)


Tsai said Chung had always treated her with the same affection and it was a great sadness to hear the news of his passing, saying that “the passing of the nonagenarian literati is a great loss to the nation’s literary circle.”

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