


過去數日臺灣社會多家媒體,紛紛轉述報導今年6月25日,亦就是美國總統大選首次辯論前兩日,同時也是川普競選活動受到暗殺襲擊前兩周,川普本人在海湖莊園接受美國彭博商業周刊(Bloomberg Businessweek)專訪時,論及其對臺灣所抱持觀感與政策基調。


彭博商業周刊網站以“The Donald Trump Interview Transcript – Full Text, Fact-checked”為題報導,涉及臺灣紀錄內容

Would you defend Taiwan against China?

Look, a couple of things. No. 1, Taiwan. I know the people very well, respect them greatly. They did take about 100% of our chip business【1】. I think, Taiwan should pay us for defense. You know, we’re no different than an insurance company. Taiwan doesn’t give us anything. Taiwan is 9,500 miles away. It’s 68 miles away from China. A slight advantage, and China’s a massive piece of land, they could just bombard it. They don’t even need to—I mean, they can literally just send shells. Now they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to lose all those chip plants. You know, all those plants and they don’t want to do that. But I will tell you, that’s the apple of President Xi’s eye, he was a very good friend of mine until Covid that I really, you know, I was, I didn’t feel the same way. Same thing with Putin.

Putin and I got along very well, with our relationship. We were never in danger of a war. He would have never gotten into Ukraine. I said, don’t ever, ever go into Ukraine.

The oil prices. It was so crazy. The oil price was so crazy and it was always the apple of his eye. Just like with China. It’s the apple of China’s eye. It was the apple. It’s the apple of his eye. But the day I left they sent 28 bombers right over the top【2】and they’ve been very aggressive ever since, they got ships all over the place. I wouldn’t feel so secure right now, if I was them, but remember this: Taiwan took our chip business from us, I mean, how stupid are we? They took all of our chip business. They’re immensely wealthy. And I don’t think we’re any different from an insurance policy. Why? Why are we doing this?

They took almost 100% of our chip industry, I give them credit. That’s because stupid people were running the country. We should have never let that happen. Now we’re giving them billions of dollars to build new chips in our country, and then they’re going to take that too, in other words, they’ll build it but then they’ll bring it back to their country.

【1】Taiwan produces 92% of advanced microchips, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association.
【2】Three days after Trump left office, China sent 13 planes into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, followed by 15 more planes the next day. In Trump’s last year in office, Taiwan recorded 380 Chinese sorties into the zone, the largest number since 1996, according to an analysis by the Voice of America.

依據川普實際受訪內容,對照臺灣社會媒體報導時廣泛以無中生有之「保護費」,用以描述川普觀點,其實是顯現出臺灣社會嚴重焦慮與虛幻期待。吾人必須認識下列重要事實;首先川普確實提到臺灣應當為其國防支付美方(Taiwan should pay us for defense),基本上就是證明川普不希望讓臺灣在安全事務上免費搭便車,以不勞而獲方式,得到美國提供安全協助,甚至是由美國對臺灣提供無償軍事援助。

但是將此詮釋成「保護費」,顯然是刻意混淆成臺灣有可能向美國支付經費,以便獲得美國軍力保護;吾人必須牢記,川普並不是說(Taiwan should pay us for protection),所以認為願意付出代價,就可以獲得美軍提供支援或是協防,甚至由美軍提供保護傘,這就顯然是在大做白日夢。



但從川普所表達論述觀察,顯然其本身並不認同對臺提供無償軍援,所以才有“Taiwan should pay us for defense”論述,但若是將此詮釋成川普希望臺灣向美國支付「保護費」,這種說法未免就太過惡質,完全扭曲川普認為臺灣應當自立自強,認真承擔本身國防責任,不要妄想享用免費午餐,輕鬆搭上順風車。對於內心世界希望「倚美謀獨」者來說,其實亦是當場澆下一頭冷水。



