張韶涵近照曝光!「3D娃娃臉」不像38歲 網歎:有顏任性

<p>張韶涵近照不像38歲。|Angela Chang seems never to age(圖/資料照、張韶涵微博 |Courtesy of Angela Chang/Weibo)</p>

張韶涵近照不像38歲。|Angela Chang seems never to age(圖/資料照、張韶涵微博 |Courtesy of Angela Chang/Weibo)


Angela Chang caught her fans off guard on Monday with three age-defying selfies posted to Facebook.


The 38-year-old Taiwanese singer was wearing braids while she posed for the camera with some make-up. The artist’s skin was smooth and clean, which led some social media users to remark with a smile that she looked better than at her debut.

張韶涵近照不像38歲。|Angela Chang seems to never change.(圖/資料照、張韶涵微博 |Courtesy of Angela Chang/Weibo)
張韶涵近照不像38歲。|Angela Chang seems to never change.(圖/資料照、張韶涵微博 |Courtesy of Angela Chang/Weibo)


Responding to her post, fans said, “She’s gorgeous,” while another wrote, “You don’t need to learn how to take the best selfie if you look good.”

One said: “She has a baby face!”


Chang debuted and rose to fame with the Taiwanese television dramas “My MVP Valentine (2002) and “At Dolphin Bay” (2003).

2004年,張韶涵發行首張專輯《Over The Rainbow》,正式以歌手身分出道。張韶涵第二張專輯《歐若拉》、第三張專輯《潘朵拉》全亞洲總銷售量破百萬張。

Her debut album “Over the Rainbow was met with instant success, and she has since focused on her singing career. She released “Aurora (2004) and “Pandora (2006).

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