
來自尼泊爾的女孩巴格瓦蒂.卡德卡(Bhagawati Khadka)是名拳擊手,她在擂台上有另一個名子——「Unika」,意味著與眾不同、超凡卓越。就如同其他來自尼泊爾的女孩一樣,巴格瓦蒂從來不曾想過自己有一天會踏足摔角業,因為這項職業通常是「陽剛」和「霸氣」的代名詞。

Wrestler Bhagawati Khadka goes by a different name in the ring, ‘Unika’, which means different or extraordinary.

Like many young women in Nepal, Khadka never imagined setting foot into the wrestling realm, one that is synonymous with male masculinity and dominance.


When her aspirations in singing didn’t work out, Bhagawati soon began acting in films, where she explored stunts and fight classes.

Her fighting instructor introduced new worlds as he suggested a career in professional wrestling. Ever since then, her talents have taken her on shows across Nepal and to India.


Despite Khadka’s ringing success, stigmatization against female wrestlers remains prevalent though. As Bhagawati explained, people “comment negatively on YouTube and look at it from a wrong perspective.”

She underscored the importance for all women to learn wrestling for self-defense in a world where girls and women of all ages are subjugated to sexual assault and rape.


Harnessed with the spirit of pushing for inclusivity in the ring, Bhagawati started the Nepal Women Wrestling Foundation, helping 25 women entering the profession.

When asked about her dreams and visions, Bhagawati says she hopes to develop her foundation, “in the 77 districts of Nepal” and hopefully, one day, “take it to WWE.”