影/埃及高速公路連環車禍至少35死53傷 「多車堆疊燃燒」驚人畫面曝光
據埃及國營媒體《金字塔報》(Al-Ahram)報導,開羅到亞力山卓沙漠公路上接近納特倫乾河(Wadi al-Natroun)路段,發生嚴重車禍,事故現場照片在社群媒體瘋傳,1台翻覆的卡車橫倒在快車道上,再往前還能看見1輛公車、1台小型巴士被大火燒毀,附近幾輛汽車仍在燃燒。
🚨JUST IN: 32 people were killed in a collision between a passenger bus and a number of cars on the Cairo-Alexandria road in Egypt.
Source: Sky News pic.twitter.com/APB3HHUmQ0— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 28, 2023
Dozens died in 30-vehicle collision in Egypt on the #Cairo-Alexandria highway. Preliminarily, 28 people were killed, another 60 were injured, many of them were hospitalized with severe burns. pic.twitter.com/XYf0rhWKEI
— 𝗡 𝗢 𝗜 𝗦 𝗘 (@NoiseAlerts) October 28, 2023
#UPDATE "A horrific collision on the Cairo-Alexandria desert road near Wadi al-Natrun led to the death of 35 people, at least 18 of whom burnt to death," said Al-Ahram news website, indicating "at least 53 were injured".
Full story: https://t.co/Nl8MfbUiVk pic.twitter.com/0am9lHwkDw— AFP News Agency (@AFP) October 28, 2023
數百名支持巴勒斯坦抗議者佔領大廳靜坐 紐約中央車站被迫暫時關閉
快訊/大阪鬧區壽司店發生爆炸意外 12人遭燒傷送醫
緬因州槍擊案警方尋獲槍手屍體 留遺書陳屍樹林中疑自戕