影/感人畫面!黑猩猩被關29年 第一次看到寬廣天空滿臉新奇


一隻29歲的黑猩猩香草(Vanilla)從小就生活在紐約一間惡名昭彰的實驗室中不見天日,牠2歲時該實驗室被關閉,香草被轉移到加州的一處收容所,但是在那裡牠只能待在1.5公尺寛的籠子或柵欄裡。2019年,該收容所由於野火的威脅而停業,香草輾轉在去年和牠的一些同伴來到由靈長類動物學家安德魯·哈洛蘭博士(Dr. Andrew Halloran)所管理的拯救黑猩猩組織(save the chimps),在這裡牠第一次看到寬廣的天空和草地,而當時的紀錄影片將香草的反應全都拍了下來,牠臉上覺得新奇的表情令人看了感動又不捨。

黑猩猩香草第一次看到寬廣的天空,臉上露出新奇的表情。(圖/翻攝自TikTok@save the chimps)




@savethechimps Vanilla and Shake have been fully integrated into a large family group and were released onto their island home! Shake went right out, but Vanilla was hesitant. Nothing an encouraging hug from the alpha, Dwight, couldn’t fix. Watch as Vanilla is in awe of the sight of the vast open sky for the first time. Learn more and donate. https://bit.ly/3Nx0rkm All gifts are currently being matched and will have twice the impact on supporting Vanilla, Shake, and our more than 220 other residents. #vanillathechimp #dwightthechimp #shakethechimp #release #islandrelease #rescue #chimpanzeerescue #chimp #chimpanzee #savethechimps #chimpanzees ♬ original sound - Save the Chimps

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