影/日本酒店小姐親自出馬! 拍攝防疫問答影片超吸睛

<p>一条響(Courtesy of Instagram/@ichijyo_hibiki)</p>

一条響(Courtesy of Instagram/@ichijyo_hibiki)


Alarmed by a spike in infections in Tokyo’s nightlife districts, the metropolitan government has released educational videos in the form of a Q&A between nightclub hosts, a hostess and a doctor, hoping to stem the spread of the coronavirus.


“What kind of symptoms can a young COVID-19 patient expect?”


“What are medical costs like?”


“How often should we sanitize our hands?”


Those are some of the questions posed in the three videos that feature young workers from nightclubs in the city’s red-light districts where infections have crept up since the government lifted a state of emergency in late May.


In the first of the 7-8 minute videos, a nightclub host Shota Taira asks the doctor general questions such as whether an asymptomatic person who has tested positive could infect others.


Taira then appears to toss a heart-shaped pillow virtually to a hostess in the next video, passing the Q&A baton.


Her questions center on prevention measures, while the final interviewee, another host, focuses on what to do if infected.

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