影/緬懷「佛洛伊德之死」 巨石強森嗆川普「你在哪」

<p>影星巨石強森週四於個人IG帳號PO出自錄的一段影片 | Movie star and former wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has released a video on Thursday. (圖|截圖自IG影片 | Screenshot taken from The Rock’s IG video)</p>

影星巨石強森週四於個人IG帳號PO出自錄的一段影片 | Movie star and former wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has released a video on Thursday. (圖|截圖自IG影片 | Screenshot taken from The Rock’s IG video)


Movie star and former wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson released a video on Thursday, calling out President Donald Trump in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

The Rock delivered a strong speech in which he repeatedly asked Trump “Where are you?” as people got down on their knees begging to be heard.


Our country is crippled and on its knees, begging to be heard and pleading for change,” adding “Where is our compassionate leader?”

那位當我們正處於痛苦時,能夠凝聚、鼓勵全國人民的領導人。那位會果決行動,站出來為國家負責,並且接納任何的膚色領導人。那位扶起全國人民,並且向他們保證 – 我們一起面對這一切,未來一定會改變。

He added: “The leader who unifies and inspires our country at our most painful time when we need it the most.”

“The leader who steps up and takes full accountability for our country and embraces every color in it.”

“The leader who picks our country up off its knees and says you have my word – we got this – and together, the change will happen.”


The video has gained more than 11 million views since its release on early Thursday.


Since the outbreak of protests for “Floyd’s Death” on May 25, a number of Hollywood stars, in addition to Dwayne Johnson, have been speaking out for racism issues and demanding change.


The hip-hop mogul Jay-Z earlier this week has taken out the full-page ads in newspapers across the U.S. in dedication to George Floyd.

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