影/美國大廚示範台式飯糰爆紅 釣出蘇貞昌回應讓網友驚喜


A Fan Tuan, a type of rice dumplings, is the top breakfast option for many people in Taiwan. Featuring rice, eggs and meat among other highlights, the local delicacy is nutritious enough to keep you energized throughout the day.

Everybody likes Fan Tans, including Premier Su Tseng-chang who commented on a viral video of a New York chef demonstrating how to make the Taiwanese delicacy on Reddit.

美國紐約布魯克林一間麵包店主廚崔格·布朗(Trigg Brown)接受美媒Vice邀請,示範如何製作台灣飯糰。首先,他將糯米加入鍋內,再放入些許油在鍋內稍微翻炒,直到飯粒稍微有黏性。

Trigg Brown, a bakery chef in Brooklyn, New York, was invited by Vice to demonstrate how to make a Taiwanese Fan Tuan. To begin with, he added some glutinous rice in a pan, then put some oil and stir-fried it until the rice grains were slightly sticky.

美國紐約布魯克林一間麵包店主廚崔格·布朗(Trigg Brown)接受美媒Vice邀請,示範如何製作台灣飯糰。| Trigg Brown, the chef of a bakery in Brooklyn, New York, was invited by Vice to demonstrate how to make Taiwanese Fan Tuans. (Screenshot from the video)
美國紐約布魯克林一間麵包店主廚崔格·布朗(Trigg Brown)接受美媒Vice邀請,示範如何製作台灣飯糰。| Trigg Brown, the chef of a bakery in Brooklyn, New York, was invited by Vice to demonstrate how to make Taiwanese Fan Tuans. (Screenshot from the video)


Next, he placed the rice in the rice cooker for about 30 minutes. While waiting for the rice, Brown began double-frying the breadstick (Youtiao), stressing that they should be crispy and perfectly fried.

After that, he started frying the eggs and added salt pepper to have some flavors in the eggs.

布朗開始炸油條,他強調油條要炸到酥酥脆脆才完美。| While waiting for the rice, Brown began double-frying the breadstick (Youtiao), stressing that they should be crispy and perfectly fried. (Screenshot from the video)
布朗開始炸油條,他強調油條要炸到酥酥脆脆才完美。| While waiting for the rice, Brown began double-frying the breadstick (Youtiao), stressing that they should be crispy and perfectly fried. (Screenshot from the video)
布朗開始煎蛋,並且撒上胡椒提味。 | Brown started frying the eggs and added salt pepper to have some flavors in the eggs. (Screenshot from the video)
布朗開始煎蛋,並且撒上胡椒提味。 | Brown started frying the eggs and added salt pepper to have some flavors in the eggs. (Screenshot from the video)


“I don’t do traditional because I’m not Taiwanese. I think where mine would vary from something that you eat on the street in Taipei.”


Last but not least, Brown placed cooked rice, eggs, chopped scallions, pork floss and avocado on plastic wrap. Topped with bean paste to add more saltiness and sweetness, the rice ball is rolled up and finished.


In response to the video, one commented: ” Actually he did a good job. I never eat those because I don’t wanna eat rice for breakfast, but I think Taiwanese would approve of this.”

Another said that the guy knows about Taiwanese food.


Even the Premier Su Tseng-chang, left a message saying “I’m Taiwan’s premier of Government and I approve this Fan Tuan.”

就連蘇貞昌也留言表示:「我是台灣行政院長,我認證通過這個飯糰。」 | Even the Premier Su Tseng-chang, left a message saying “I’m Taiwan’s premier of Government and I approve this Fan Tuan.” (Screenshot)
就連蘇貞昌也留言表示:「我是台灣行政院長,我認證通過這個飯糰。」 | Even the Premier Su Tseng-chang, left a message saying “I’m Taiwan’s premier of Government and I approve this Fan Tuan.” (Screenshot)


Some hope that Taiwanese fan tuan becomes more popular in the U.S.