【快餐美食】白咖喱豬扒飯 White curry pork chop rice
製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 1-2人
豬扒 Pork chop 3塊/pcs
白飯 Rice 適量/To serv
炸葱頭碎 Deep fried chopped shallot 適量/Some
葱花 Chopped spring onion 少許/Some
洋葱 Onion 少許/Some
【豬扒醃料】香茅粉 Lemongrass powder 2茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】香茅 Lemongrass 1條/stick
【豬扒醃料】南薑 Galangal 15克/g
【豬扒醃料】生抽 Soy sauce 2茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】老抽 Dark soy sauce ½茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】麻油 Sesame oil 1茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】喼汁 Worcestershire sauce 1茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp
【豬扒醃料】生粉 Corn starch 1湯匙/tbsp
【白咖喱汁料】香茅 Lemongrass 1條/stick
【白咖喱汁料】南薑 Galangal 15克/g
【白咖喱汁料】檸檬葉Kaffir lime leaves 3片/pcs
【白咖喱汁料】雞湯 Chicken broth 200毫升/ml
【白咖喱汁料】水 Water 300毫升/ml
【白咖喱汁料】白咖喱粉 White curry powder 2湯匙/tbsp
【白咖喱汁料】椰奶 Coconut milk 200毫升/ml
【白咖喱汁料】生粉水 Corn starch solution 適量/Some
1 :
豬扒洗淨抹乾,用刀背拍鬆 Pat dry pork chops then pound with the back side of kitchen knife.
2 :
醃料用的香茅及南薑拍後切碎,連同香茅粉及其他醃料醃豬扒30分鐘 Chop the lemongrass and galangal of marinade, then maridate pork chops with all other marinate for 30 minutes.
3 :
咖喱汁用的香茅拍後切段,南薑切大粒,檸檬葉撕碎 Section the lower end of lemongrass, cube galangal, shredded kaffir lime leaves of the curry sauce.
4 :
加入雞湯及水,細火煲10分鐘至出味,撈起香茅、南薑及檸檬葉,湯備用 Boil with chicken broth and water over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and set aside.
5 :
用少許油炒香白咖喱粉,下湯煮至溶化 Stir fry white curry powder with a little oil until fragrant. Add chicken broth and boil until completely dissolved.
6 :
下椰奶煮滾,轉中細火不斷攪拌煮3分鐘,加少許生粉水埋芡備用 Add coconut milk and bring to a boil. Turn to low heat and cook for 3 minutes. Thicken by adding corn starch solution.
7 :
豬扒半煎炸至熟,切件上碟 Semi-deep fry pork chop until fully cooked. Cut into pieces and dish up.
8 :
將適量白咖喱淋在豬扒上,放上洋葱、葱花及炸葱頭碎,配以白飯享用 Pour some white curry sauce on top. Granish with onion, chopped spring onion and deep fried chopped shallot. Serve with rice.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53874
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com