慘害全球淪陷!川普「怒斷WHO金援」 譚德塞回應了

<p>WHO head, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)</p>

WHO head, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】新冠肺炎疫情全球延燒,在美國已有 60 萬人感染,這也讓總統川普將矛頭指向世界衛生組織( WHO ),認為世界衛生組織「太偏向中國大陸」,並在當地時間 14 日宣布行政部門停止贊助,引發各界討論。對此,世衛秘書長譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus )昨( 15 )日表示,對於美國的決定感到遺憾, WHO 正在檢視撤資金的影響,未來將和合作夥伴填補財務缺口。

U.S. health authorities have now reported nearly 600,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up his efforts to blame the high infection rate on the World Health Organization (WHO), claiming that the WHO was ‘China-centric’,

Trump announced on April 14 that all funds toward the organization were to be stopped. To this, WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus responded a day later that though it is regrettable, they are looking into the effect this decision will have and are in talks with other partners to fix the financial problem.

根據川普日前指出,美國納稅人每年花 4 至 5 億美金來資助 WHO ,他在美國當地時間 14 日於白宮記者上宣布停止資助,由於 WHO 在疫情應對上管理不善,以及企圖掩蓋病毒傳播事實的責任,川普批評 WHO 有關疾病傳染、死亡率的資訊顯然都是錯誤的,其中「最危險、昂貴的災難性決策」之一,是反對他國對中國大陸的旅遊限制。

Trump had previously pointed out that American taxpayers spend around US$40 million to US$50 million a year on WHO and announced a temporary termination on these funds during a press conference at the White House on Tuesday.

Trump criticized the WHO for providing false information on the infection and fatality rate of the virus, saying “one of the most dangerous and costly decisions from the WHO was its disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from China and other nations.”

U.S. President Donald Trump (Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)
U.S. President Donald Trump (Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)

譚德塞昨在日內瓦總部記者會對此回應,對於美國決定終止向世界衛生組織金援的決定感到遺憾,但仍強調美國是WHO 的長期好友,盼望關係能持續下去。

In response to Trump’s remarks, Ghebreyesus said Wednesday the WHO regrets Trump’s decision but stressed that the U.S. is an ally and expressed hopes that the country will continue to be so.

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