「我都是按照自己的直覺,不會循規蹈矩---我早就是這樣的人!」關於Fendi第三代傳人Silvia Venturini Fendi的16句時尚語錄


Fendi家族第三代傳人Silvia Venturini Fendi,與傳奇設計師Karl Lagerfeld一同打造了Fendi的傳奇世代!兩人一同經歷了10多年的創作閱歷,包括經典熱賣包款 Baguette、Peekaboo都是出自於她之手!

今年15周年的Peekaboo包款,自2008年推出已經成為FENDI展現羅馬的卓越工藝及品牌自帶的幽默感的象徵,精心設計的包身結構,有如建築般的硬挺結構外型,同時隱藏柔軟的內在,就像是孩子們玩著的「躲貓貓」遊戲。而Baguette包款的出現,更是令人驚嘆的完美傑作,包款靈感來自法國長棍麵包、轉瞬即逝的片刻、還有紐約市的精神和地貌,Baguette包更曾經出現在慾望城市中的重要橋段,2000年的第三季中女主角凱莉在紐約街頭被搶劫,一句經典台詞「It's not a bag, it's a Baguette!」再度加深全球人士對「Baguette法棍包」的深刻印象,更造成時尚人士的搶購風潮!這些實力的軌跡,也讓Silvia Venturini Fendi成為當代時尚圈中,最具代表性的女性設計師之一;一起看看Silvia Venturini Fendi在創作出的16句時尚語錄,學習她的人生哲學!


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄1:
「Baguette 包會讓人心花怒放 - 時尚就應該是這個樣子。」
 “The Baguette is enjoyable – and that’s how fashion should be.”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄2:

 “It was the first bag to be treated like a garment.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄3:
「設計出 Baguette 包款,就像是施展魔法一樣。我想說的是,這種事很難再次發生 – 一輩子僅此一次。」

“With the Baguette, something magic happened. I would say it is difficult for it to happen again – it happens once in a lifetime.”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄4:
「最後我只是做了一些出自本能的事情,一些符合我們 Fendi DNA 的事情。」

“I simply did something spontaneous in the end, something in line with our Fendi DNA.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄5:

“Someone could have made it minimal, in black leather, but what I really wanted was a Baroque effect, linked to our roots and to Rome.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄6:

 “I worked with many artists during that time as well. She can transform into anything, this little bag.”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄7:
「而出席晚間活動時,Baguette 包其實相當實用,可以裝入各種必需物品。」

 “As an evening bag, she is actually quite practical – you can put all of your essentials in it.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄8:
「它可以裝入各種東西 – 它像是在你身上下了咒,是煉金術師身上的袋子!」

 “It can take anything and everything – she puts a spell on you. She is an alchemical bag!”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄9:
「今日Baguette 包又回來了 – 它總是和我形影不離,就像是我的寶貝。」

 “Today, the Baguette is making a comeback – but she is always there with me, she is like my baby.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄10:
「當你開始擁有一個,你就停不下來 - 你會馬上開始收集,開始一個接著一個買…我喜歡這種聯繫,它就像是食物一樣,你吃了一口又會接著一口。」

 “When you start to have one, you can’t stop – you immediately become a collector. You start adding one to another… I like that connection, that it’s like food, where you have one after another.”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄11:
「Baguette 包講述了一個人的心理和個性 - 它真實反映了這兩者。我看人們挑選的 Baguette 包款,就能馬上瞭解這個人。」

 “The Baguette speaks about someone’s psychology and personality – it is a true reflection of both. I immediately know the person from their choice.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄12:

 “It is very difficult for me to choose just one; I never say never and I never say always.”


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄13:

“It is always the same and always different.”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄14:
「在我這個年紀,對未來充滿興趣。我希望新一代的客人可以拿著 Baguette 包,呈現出更多樣化的態度。Baguette 包有著各種拆卸及拿取的方式,千變萬化,而它的個性依舊不變。」

“At my age, I am interested in the future. I want the bag to be worn by a new generation and to have a more diverse attitude. She is now detachable and wearable in different ways; a chameleonic item, yet she always keeps her personality.


Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄15:
「我都是按照自己的直覺,不會循規蹈矩 – 我早就是這樣的人!」

“I always follow my instincts and don’t play by the rules – that has become my rule!”

Silvia Venturini Fendi智慧語錄16:
「我不會問一大堆問題 - --我想一直憑直覺就好。我不是一個太理智的人。要是我喜歡一個東西,就會一直用它。我聽從自己內心的聲音 – 而在這場疫情之後,我更是如此。」

“I don’t ask too many questions – I want to keep that instinct alive. I am not too intellectual in my choices. If there is something I like I will always wear it. I listen to myself – and after Covid, I do that even more.”
