戰火肆虐下 成兒童心靈慰藉的烏克蘭書店


In the bookshop she manages in the western city of Lviv on April 20, 2022, Romana Yaremyn shows hundreds of books evacuated from her bookshop publishing house in the embattled eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. - Packed together in white parcels, the titles rescued from Kharkiv fill up what was once the children's reading room. They are just a fraction of those at the shop's publishing house in the eastern city under Russian fire. (Photo by Yuriy Dyachyshyn / AFP) (Photo by YURIY DYACHYSHYN/AFP via Getty Images)
從哈爾科夫戰火中救出的書籍被裝在白色的袋中,堆滿這間戰前的兒童閱覽室。 (資料照/Getty Images)

負責經營書店的亞雷敏(Romana Yaremyn)說,這些書只是俄羅斯砲火下,該書店出版的一小部分書籍。






In the bookshop she manages Romana Yaremyn shows off a copy of Polinka, a Ukrainian childrens book in the western city of Lviv on April 20, 2022, one among hundreds of books evacuated from her bookshop publishing house in the embattled eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. - Packed together in white parcels, the titles rescued from Kharkiv fill up what was once the children's reading room. They are just a fraction of those at the shop's publishing house in the eastern city under Russian fire. (Photo by Yuriy Dyachyshyn / AFP) (Photo by YURIY DYACHYSHYN/AFP via Getty Images)
許多逃難的父母,身無長物,只能在書店中尋找故事書,以安撫躲在避難設施內,可能還懵懵懂懂的孩子們。(資料照/Getty Images)

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