手刀衝了! 限量IG最夯魔幻黑堡只剩幾天

<p>麥當勞5月6日至6月9日推出期間限定三款墨魚黑堡|McDonald’s is promoting three limited ‘cuttlefish juice burgers’ from May 6 to June 9. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)</p>

麥當勞5月6日至6月9日推出期間限定三款墨魚黑堡|McDonald’s is promoting three limited ‘cuttlefish juice burgers’ from May 6 to June 9. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)


All-new black hamburgers are about to take Taiwan by storm! McDonald’s has recently launched a collaboration with designer brand ApuJan to create a series of dark meals that convey the whimsical atmosphere of starry night skies and childlike wonder.

On every order, the wrappings are filled with out-of-this-world patterns and the magical designs have already attracted the attention of netizens on Instagram.

麥當勞與台灣服裝設計品牌Apujan攜手合作推出極黑系列餐點|McDonald’s has recently collaborated with designer brand ApuJan to create a series of dark meals to convey the atmosphere of starry night skies and childlike wonder.(Courtesy of McDonald’s)
麥當勞與台灣服裝設計品牌Apujan攜手合作推出極黑系列餐點|McDonald’s has recently collaborated with designer brand ApuJan to create a series of dark meals to convey the atmosphere of starry night skies and childlike wonder.(Courtesy of McDonald’s)


ApuJan is originally known for designing women’s clothing, but in this instance, creative executive Jan Pu (朴) drew night skies, planets, clouds, spaceships, and pterodactyls on a dark background to give McDonald’s meals a brand new look.

平常設計女性衣服的Apujan品牌創意總監詹朴運用星空元素打造魔幻黑堡包裝|Creative executive Jan Pu drew night skies, planets, clouds, spaceships, and pterodactyls on a dark background, giving McDonald’s orders a brand new look. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)
平常設計女性衣服的Apujan品牌創意總監詹朴運用星空元素打造魔幻黑堡包裝|Creative executive Jan Pu drew night skies, planets, clouds, spaceships, and pterodactyls on a dark background, giving McDonald’s orders a brand new look. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)


Reminiscing about his childhood, Jan Pu said the idea behind this collaboration is to bring back childhood feelings and to create a far-away, limitless space where reality and fantasy are blurred together.


If you want to have this new bite, McDonald’s three limited-edition ‘cuttlefish juice burgers’ are available until June 9.

麥當勞5月6日至6月9日推出期間限定三款墨魚黑堡|McDonald’s is promoting three limited ‘cuttlefish juice burgers’ from May 6 to June 9. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)
麥當勞5月6日至6月9日推出期間限定三款墨魚黑堡|McDonald’s is promoting three limited ‘cuttlefish juice burgers’ from May 6 to June 9. (Courtesy of McDonald’s)

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