「沒有先決條件」下可兩岸對話 賴清德投書《華爾街日報》全文曝

首以總統參選人署名外媒投書 賴清德:不排除無九二共識為先決條件下兩岸對話。(本報資料照)
首以總統參選人署名外媒投書 賴清德:不排除無九二共識為先決條件下兩岸對話。(本報資料照)

民進黨總統參選人副總統賴清德以「我保衛台海和平的計畫)My Plan to Preserve Peace in the Taiwan Strait)」為題投書《華爾街日報》;且首度在最後署名提到「民進黨 2024 總統大選候選人」;他強調,也不排除在基於互利、尊嚴「沒有先決條件下」,與對岸展開對話;至於賴清德強調「沒有先決條件」;知情人士表示,先決條件就是「沒有一個中國、一國兩制、九二共識不對等的前提」。


賴清德表示,他對於捍衛台灣的和平穩定、民主成就以及兩岸現狀的決心與承諾堅定無比;面對挑戰,「我對台灣的承諾,和 27 年前一樣明確堅定」。


他提到,習近平在香港鎮壓、煽動南海衝突等,加劇台灣海峽的軍事衝突。「沒 有人樂見一個具威脅性的中國,但這是我們面臨的現實」。


他強調,然而,對民主的關照必須要從自家開始。「作為醫生,我從不會在沒有治療計畫 的情況下醫治病人。而作為總統,我會執行保衛和平的四個支柱,要洞悉當前 台灣所面臨的挑戰,更要確保延續區域的穩定」。


他說,1996 年至今,台灣歷經許多改變,但也有許多事依舊如昔。「我們每天都被提醒著,我們現在所享受的民主與自由絕對不能視為理所當然」。


My Plan to Preserve Peace in the Taiwan Strait

My defining moment came as China’s military adventurism disrupted commercial shipping to Taiwan and threatened our shores with live fire exercises and missiles. I decided I had a duty to participate in Taiwan’s democracy and help protect this fledgling experiment from those who wished it harm.

That was 27 years ago.

I was a doctor at National Cheng Kung University Hospital when news broke of the 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis. This was during the runup to a presidential race the first free election after decades of martial law during which activists had fought for democracy and freedom. Beijing wanted to send a message to those who supported Taiwan’s democratic reforms preferring candidates more receptive to their authoritarian tendencies.

Thankfully those candidates lost by a landslide. Our democracy has since flourished but history has a way of repeating itself. After hanging up my white coat I served in successive roles as an elected official—premier vice president and now presidential candidate. I find myself in the same position as my predecessors.

Consequently my commitment to defending peace our democratic achievements and the cross-strait status quo is stronger than ever.

A lot is at stake. President Xi Jinping has quashed dissent in Hong Kong established “re-education” centers in Xinjiang fomented conflict in the South China Sea and stepped up military adventurism across the Taiwan Strait.

It’s unsurprising that in recent years there has been an outpouring of global support for peace in the Taiwan Strait. The invasion of Ukraine and growing strains of authoritarianism around the world have awakened the international community to the fragility of democracy. It can wither and die without proper care and attention.

Care must start at home. As a doctor I never left patients without a treatment plan. As president I will implement a four-pillar plan for peace that is clear-eyed about the challenges we face and ensures continued stability in the region.

First we must build up Taiwan’s deterrence. Defense is the bedrock of our national security. Under President Tsai Ing-wen we have increased defense budgets reformed conscription and the reserve system and supported new practices and capabilities within our military. These measures reduce the risk of armed conflict by raising the stakes and costs for Beijing. I will also expedite our transition into an asymmetric fighting force focusing on cost-effective and mobile capabilities. I will seek greater cooperation with partners and allies particularly in training force restructuring civil defense and information sharing.

Second economic security is national security. In the years since democratization Taiwan has become a high-tech powerhouse. As a former mayor of Tainan I am proud to see semiconductors made both in the city and around Taiwan driving the next generation of technology. As premier I spearheaded efforts to increase salaries cut taxes and attract new investment.

Our economic achievements however have brought both opportunity and challenge. Trade dependencies toward China have created vulnerabilities that can be exploited through economic coercion. We must foster secure supply chains while pursuing trade agreements that encourage trade diversification. I will support innovative indigenous industries cut unnecessary regulation and strive to ensure that the fruits of economic growth are more evenly enjoyed.

The third pillar is based on forming partnerships with democracies around the world. This year Taiwan sent the first medical team from Asia to Ukraine assisting war- wounded personnel and residents. Record numbers of parliamentarians nongovernmental organizations think tanks and official delegations have visited Taiwan showing that despite Communist Party pressure we do not stand alone.

The fourth pillar is steady and principled cross-strait leadership. In recent years China has cut off exchanges in line with its insistence on the “1992 consensus” and the “one China” framework that Mr. Xi himself has called a road map for unification. Military tensions are rising fueled by coercive People’s Liberation Army actions against Taiwan Japan and our neighbors in the South China Sea.

Despite increased military and economic challenges my top priorities remain pragmatism and consistency. I will support the cross-strait status quo—which is in the best interests of both the Republic of China as Taiwan is formally known and the international community. I will never rule out the possibility of dialogue without preconditions based on the principles of reciprocity and dignity.

Much has changed since 1996 yet much remains the same. People’s Liberation Army fighter jets and naval vessels continue to move around Taiwan in a bid to influence our democratic elections. Economic tensions persist. We are reminded daily that we can never take our freedom and democracy for granted. But my commitment is as clear today as it was 27 years ago: I will always work toward peace and stability for the people of Taiwan and the international community.

Mr. Lai is vice president of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Democratic Progressive Party’s candidate for the 2024 presidential election.