攝影師空拍台灣「調色盤」 網友讚:冰淇淋吃到飽!

<p>A photographer captured a stunning shot of Chiayi’s multicolor fish farms using aerial photography. (Photo courtesy of 鈴木二郎/ Facebook)</p>

A photographer captured a stunning shot of Chiayi’s multicolor fish farms using aerial photography. (Photo courtesy of 鈴木二郎/ Facebook)


Fish farms come in various colors and shapes along the coast in Chiayi County, Taiwan.

That’s the surprising discovery photographer Jiro Suzuki (鈴木二郎) made while using aerial photography to capture some local landscapes from above.


From blue and pink to ivory white and algae green, the fish farms seem like nature’s “color palette.” Social media users also praised the photo as “super beautiful,” and some said it made them think of the ice cream section at a buffet restaurant.


The photographer, who shared the photo on Facebook’s “Chiayi Beauty” group and called it “Fishermen’s Palette.”

Yet, the stunning photo also worried some about whether the colorful colors are hiding man-made pollution, which could be harmful to the environment and our health.


In this regard, Chiayi County’s Fisheries Section of the Agriculture Department Chief Chang Chien-cheng (張建成) explained that the pink color of the fish farm is due to the clam photosynthetic bacteria into the fish pond.


Fishermen usually pour photosynthetic organic substances such as aquatic feed, soybean meal, and fish meal into the pond first to make it ferment. When finished, it will form pink fertilized water that will be used as bait for clams for their nutrients.


Chang also pointed out that the white pools are partly due to the lime put in the fish farms or the mixture of water and soil when the water is first added, which will also appear milky white.


Besides, putting natural tea meal for disinfection will also produce a large amount of white foam.

If there are many algae or microorganisms in the water, the water will also have different colors because of the other pigments.

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