新加坡商人涉違反北韓制裁 美懸賞1.6億元追緝



美國國務院提供高達500萬美元賞金以掌握郭記勝(Kwek Kee Seng)的行蹤,並指控他將燃油運送至北韓、船對船轉運,以及藉幌子公司進行洗錢。

This image released by the FBI shows the wanted poster for Kwek Kee Seng. The Biden administration is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information about a Singapore-based businessman already accused by the Justice Department of facilitating fuel shipments to North Korea in violation of U.N. sanctions. Kwek Kee Seng, who directs a shipping agency and terminal operations company, was charged last year with arranging the deliveries, with prosecutors alleging that he used front companies and false documentation to hide the scheme. Officials say that business helps enable North Korea's nuclear proliferation programs. (FBI via AP)

郭記勝的油輪「勇氣號」(M/T Courageous)2020年據稱因違反制裁規定,在美國要求下遭到柬埔寨查扣。紐約聯邦檢察官去年對郭記勝發出拘票。

郭記勝現年62歲,在新加坡註冊經營航運公司Swanseas Port Services。

根據美國國務院「正義賞金」(Rewards for Justice)計畫消息,郭記勝目前行蹤不明,且發現他曾到過北韓、柬埔寨、台灣、泰國、非洲國家喀麥隆(Cameroon)以及加勒比海島國聖克里斯多福及尼維斯(Saint Kitts-Nevis)。(譯者:徐睿承/核稿:盧映孜)1111104