新增7例確診 陳時中:都從美、英境外移入

<p>Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 1, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)</p>

Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 1, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Wednesday reported 7 new imported cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, bringing the total number in Taiwan to 329.

According to the CECC, the new cases include 3 men and 4 women with ages ranging between 20 to 70.

The imported cases returned to Taiwan between March 19 and March 30 and started showing symptoms for COVID-19 from Feb. 29 to March 27.

Among the new imported confirmed cases, 6 are from the U.S. and one is from the U.K.

Five were tested upon entering the country, while the other two were already under quarantine.


Case 325 and 329 traveled to the US with another friend between Feb. 6 and March 30.

Case 325 reported losing their sense of smell on March 23, and case 329 reported similar symptoms a day later.

Both stated their conditions upon arrival in Taiwan, they were immediately tested and the infections were confirmed today.

Their friend has yet to show symptoms but is currently under quarantine for further investigation.


Health authorities said that the other 5 imported cases are all individual cases, and their reasons for travel included study, work and family visits.

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