新手導演分享愛上台灣之旅 柬埔寨新住民在台成立家庭

【看CP學英文】根據新住民全球新聞網報導,表達方式有很多種,不只是語言、文字上的溝通,隨著科技的發展與進步,現在連影像也能成為一種傳達的媒介。為讓新住民擁有更多表達自我的方式,桃園市新住民聯合服務中心舉辦「新住民、新二代、移工 影像工作坊」,教導新住民相關攝影技巧、影片剪輯技術。


There are many ways of expressing oneself.

Nowadays, it’s not only limited to language and text communication but also through the development and advancement of technology, even images have become a medium of communication.

To allow new immigrants to have more ways to express themselves, the New Immigrants Family Service Center in Taoyuan City (桃園市新住民聯合服務中心) organized a “Video Workshop for New Immigrants, New Second-Generation, and Migrant Workers” (新住民、新二代、移工 影像工作坊) to teach new immigrants photography skills and video editing techniques.

Recently, the workshop ended after four months of courses and held an achievement presentation to showcase the videos produced by the new immigrants.

The editor of the Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network was fortunate to get in touch with Chin Na-li (金娜麗), a new immigrant from Cambodia, who filmed “My 99% Perfect Husband” (我的99分老公), and interviewed her about transforming her journey in Taiwan to film.

延伸閱讀:台灣先生拍《西貢夜未眠》微電影 重現昔日娶回「越南嬌妻」

Read More: Taiwanese husband films “Sleepless in Saigon” micro-film to relive his transnational love story with his “Vietnamese wife”

努力是唯一辦法也是最佳解答 | Effort is the only way, and is the best answer


In the film “My 99% Husband,” Chin narrated in fluent Mandarin her, and her husband Chung Chi-kang’s (鍾志剛) story.

She revealed that she had actually learned Mandarin prior to coming to Taiwan. She went to a Chinese school in Cambodia when she was a child and not only did she have to learn Mandarin, but also had to learn mathematics, history, geography, and more.

Not only is Chin familiar with Mandarin, but she is also learning Taiwanese for her work, and for her husband.


For Chin, learning a language is difficult, but it will never be the reason that stops her from learning. She came to Taiwan in 2003 and was introduced to her husband through relatives; they married soon after.

When she arrived in Taiwan, however, she often felt lonely because her husband and her in-laws were always busy at work, and she was a lonely “foreigner” in Taiwan.

The loneliness of being unable to find someone to confide in often made Chin feel uneasy. At that time, she not only had to take care of their one-year-old son but was also pregnant with a daughter who was about to be born.


Faced with fear and the unknown, Chin had been submersed in uneasiness during that time. Her parents in Cambodia came to Taiwan to assist in her post-partum confinement after she gave birth to her daughter.

Her father also told her, “You can go home if there is a need.”

However, Chin was not willing to give up. She was not only thinking about her children but also because she wanted to make it work with her husband.

Chin explained, “Through continuous communication and receiving advice from elders, we changed together.”

意外的契機讓兩人感情升溫 | An unexpected opportunity heats up the relationship between the two

不肯輕言放棄又努力的金娜麗,會參與此次的「新住民、新二代、移工 影像工作坊」完全出於一場偶然。她對拍攝影片的興致並不高,主要是想學習拍照片的技巧,希望能為客人拍出更好看的照片。金娜麗告訴編輯,她對於老師出的功課感到很苦惱,也曾想過要不要放棄。但是她考量到機會難得,透過與丈夫的訴苦與溝通,在取得丈夫的同意後,成為金娜麗第一部影片的男主角。

Chin, who refused to give up and continued to work hard, participated in this “New Immigrants, New Second Generation, Migrant Video Workshop” entirely by accident.

She was initially not very interested in filming and joined because she wanted to learn the skills of photography, hoping to take better pictures for the guests.

Chin said that she was very distressed about the homework given by the teacher, and thought of giving up. However, after considering the rare opportunity, and following many complaints and more communication, her husband agreed to become the actor in her first film.


Chin has lived in Taiwan for eighteen years and has traveled around Taiwan with her husband.

She told the editor of Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network that she likes Taiwan’s natural scenery the most, especially when walking in the mountains and forests, and looking at the vast sea of clouds, which makes her fall in love with Taiwan again, every time.

In addition, Chin also loves the warmth of Taiwanese people.

“When I work, whether it is with an elder or a guest, they will not tease or scold me because I don’t know how to do the job,” she said.

Chin continued with a smile, “Although it is inevitable that some customers will still tease or scold me, most of them are enthusiastic Taiwanese who are willing to give me a chance to get familiar with the job, or even take the trouble to teach me how to do it better.”

延伸閱讀:新住民李莉參加桃園影像工作坊課程 拍攝《阿嬤的厝》影片 紀錄對家的感情

Read More: Li Li, a new immigrant, participates in Taoyuan Video Workshop and shoots “Grandma’s House” to record her feelings towards home

愛上台灣,成為「新住民」| Falling in love with Taiwan and becoming a “new immigrant”


Not only that, but Chin also likes how Taiwanese cares for new immigrants.

In addition to providing free courses, the government will also carefully remind new immigrants about life in Taiwan.

Chin felt very comfortable, and she gradually fell in love with Taiwan, transforming from being a “foreigner” to becoming a “new immigrant.”


As the pandemic situation stabilized, you may catch a glimpse of Chung Chi-kang, who drives tour buses, taking care of passengers’ safety, and Chin Na-Li, who talks and laughs freely with the passengers.

The two have worked closely together to bring travelers an unforgettable trip that is a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience here in Taiwan.

本文獲【新住民全球新聞網】授權轉載/許靖蕙/Raymond Rodriguez

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