日式英文發音暗黑原因曝光 網友驚:台灣學英文好幸福




A Japanese teacher with many years of teaching experience recently remarked (@shirassh) that some students staying overseas usually turn back to “Katakana English” to avoid being ridiculed by their classmates afterward.

根據Sora News報導,這名資深老師透過多年觀察、書本知識參考、以及學生的親身故事,發現許多留學回來的學生,在周圍同儕異樣眼光下,害怕遭受霸凌,通常會刻意以片假名讀法來發音。

According to Japanese-language media, the teacher found that many of his students who returned from abroad would use katakana English because they were afraid of being bullied by peers.


“If only one person speaks with a native accent, they’ll stand out in class and if they’re unlucky they’ll get bullied,” the tweet read.



The teacher added that many students who return from abroad would discuss with their teachers with perfect pronunciation, but deliberately switch to “katakana” pronunciation when speaking in front of their classmates.


The post has received tremendous response and many users, who have faced the same peer pressure, have shared their own experience.


One wrote: “Even though I was brought up in an English-speaking country when I was a young child, I couldn’t speak at all at school in Japan. When I raised my hand to give my opinion in class, students would giggle, and when I thought I’d try to use the correct pronunciation, students would giggle. It was one of the reasons I hated school.”


Another user shared that he listened to British rock music and he was humiliated in his first English class in junior high when he pronounced it the way he heard it in a song.

I hated English class and became self-conscious of being bad at English itself,” the user wrote.

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