
網傳「炸毀北溪管道兇手」、「自已早向大家預告」的訊息和影片。經查證,網傳影片為 2022 年 2 月 7 日美國總統拜登和德國總理蕭茲召開的聯合記者會,當時蕭茲到訪白宮和拜登商討俄羅斯和烏克蘭的問題。當時拜登表示,若俄羅斯再度跨越烏克蘭邊界,就會終止北溪(Nord Stream)管線 2 號。9 月 26 日,北溪管線 1 號、2 號分別因管線遭到破壞而發生漏氣情況,各國皆把矛頭指向俄羅斯,但目前並無證據,而俄羅斯則以拜登 2 月的發言反控兇手為美國。對此,白宮發言人回應,拜登當時的意思是,若俄羅斯再度入侵烏克蘭,北溪管線就不會運作,如同德國將北溪管線計畫凍結。原始影片脈絡實為反制俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,並非拜登預告要炸毀北溪管線。





(一)透過關鍵字搜尋相關資料,查找到《CNBC》在 2022 年 2 月 8 日於 YouTube 頻道上傳了和網傳內容相關的完整記者會影片,以及《路透社》(Reuters)和《美聯社》(AP News)、《德國之音》(DW)、《France 24》等媒體的新聞。

綜合報導,2022 年 2 月 7 日,德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)到訪美國,在白宮和美國總統拜登會晤,主要討論遏止俄羅斯對烏克蘭的威脅,並於會後召開聯合記者會,網傳影片便是擷取拜登當時記者會上的發言。

(二)以下翻譯並整理拜登和蕭茲在記者會上針對北溪管線問題的完整回應,拜登表示:「如果俄羅斯入侵―意即坦克或部隊再次越過烏克蘭國界,就不會再有北溪管線 2 號,我們會終止它。」(If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.)

接著,記者追問說:「確切來說會怎麼做?因為這個計畫是是由德國所控制的。」拜登沒有細談,僅強調:「我向你保證,我們會做到的。」( I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.)。


(現場口譯:We have intensively prepared everything to be ready with the necessary sanctions if there is a military aggression against Ukraine. And this is necessary that we do this in advance so that Russia can clearly understand that these are far-reaching, severe measures. This process that we do not spell out everything in public because Russia could understand that there might be even more to come. And at the same time, it is very clear we're well prepared for far-reaching measures. We will take these measures together with our allies, with our partners, with the U.S., and we will take all necessary steps. You can be sure that there won't be any measures in which we have a differing approach. We will act together, jointly.)

記者又接著問:「你今天會承諾關閉並停止北溪管線 2 號嗎?你沒有提到這個」(Will you commit today to turning off and pulling the plug on Nord Stream 2? You didn't mentioned it.)

蕭茲回應:「正如我已經說過的那樣,我們正一起行動,我們絕對團結一致,不會採取不同的步驟。這對俄羅斯來說會非常煎熬,他們應該明白這點。」(As I already said, we are acting together. We are absolutely united and we will not be taking different steps. That will be very very hard to Russia and they should understand.)


(一)2022 年 9 月 26 日,北溪管線 1 號和 2 號分別有兩個位置發生漏氣情況,根據初步調查,原因是管線遭到爆炸裝置破壞,西方國家多認為是俄羅斯下手,但目前尚無確切證據證明,而俄羅斯政府則在推特上發文反控是美國所做。

(二)對此,根據白宮發布的新聞逐字稿,白宮發言人 Karine Jean-Pierre 在 2022 年 9 月 28 日的記者會上回應:「總統當時是說北溪管線 2 號將不會開始運作,而我們會和德國共同合作,他說的沒錯,因為德國在 2 月份(對北溪管線)採取了凍結措施,你們所有人(指媒體)都廣泛報導了這一點,所以這就是總統當時所說的。」

(Karine Jean-Pierre:So, look, the President said that NS2 wouldn’t become operational and we would work with Germany on that. And he was right, because Germany took the step in February to freeze it, which was widely reported by all of you. And so that is what the President was talking about at that time.)


綜合以上可知,美國總統拜登在 2 月份上的聯合記者會上並沒有說要破壞北溪管線 2 號,白宮發言人也解釋拜登的意思是會讓北溪管線的計畫停止,網傳影片容易造成誤導;目前,尚無明確的可靠證據指出破壞北溪管線的兇手是誰,原始影片脈絡實為反制俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭。


CNBC Television YouTube - President Biden joins press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — 2/7/22 

CNBC - Biden says Nord Stream 2 won’t go forward if Russia invades Ukraine, but German Chancellor demurs 

Reuters YouTube -No Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine, President Joe Biden says 

Reuters - If Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no Nord Stream 2, Biden says

Associated Press YouTube - Biden: No Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades 

AP News - Biden threatens: No gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine 

DW - Biden comment on Nord Stream 2

France 24 - Biden vows to 'end' Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine

White house -Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, September 28, 2022