有片/烏茲別克首都機場附近大爆炸 如火山噴發1死162傷
中亞國家烏茲別克首都塔什干國際機場(Tashkent International Airport)附近一座倉庫,今天(9/28)凌晨發生爆炸,爆炸威力強烈,大量火焰和火花噴濺到半空,附近民宅玻璃都被震碎,屋內也損毀。烏茲別克當局稍晚表示,本次事件造成1人死亡、162人受傷。
#BREAKING: There has been a significant explosion at Tashkent Airport in Uzbekistan, with the shockwave felt over a distance of more than 30 kilometers.#Uzbekistan #tashkent #explosion pic.twitter.com/nQvUGXK62X
— NewsAlerts Global (@NewsAlertsG) September 27, 2023
According to first reports, a large shipment of batteries for electric vehicles could the cause of tonight’s massive explosion at the airport in Tashkent, Uzbekistan pic.twitter.com/LzwAn25ObK
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 28, 2023
New video from Russian news site Mash of the explosion at a customs warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Mash says, "The preliminary cause of the explosion in Tashkent could have been batteries for electric vehicles...The explosion was so powerful that almost nothing was left of… pic.twitter.com/CFnhPHhBeF
— Steve Lookner (@lookner) September 27, 2023
A huge explosion occurred in Tashkent - a huge industrial zone was engulfed in fire
A powerful explosion occurred in a customs warehouse at one of Tashkent's airports, #Uzbekistan.
pic.twitter.com/pXDQ4SUL53— Breaking news and situation analysis (@kgvh6v) September 27, 2023
爆炸發生後,網路上一度謠傳是飛機失事,但已證實為謠言。中歐網路媒體Visegrád 24則報導,爆炸的海關倉庫裡存放了一大批電動車電池,可能是爆炸原因,但Visegrád 24並未指出消息來源,這份說法尚未獲得證實。
09:45 出版
15:00 新增死傷人數